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Haven't really been sick since CH started


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I don't know if it's just me, but I can't recall having a cold or other minor sickness for at least the past year and a half. I'm chronic and have plenty else to think about, but I find it interesting that I haven't been sick at all. I'm sure the CH trumps "not feeling well" but I'm surprised I haven't even had a small cold. Am I alone on this? -Chris

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Hey Flipperlips, Sorry to hear about Phil. That has to be miserable! Give him my best.

Joe, hope you're not dealing with the Flu right now. Did you get a shot?

Jeez Ting, sounds like I'm the oddball out, and really lucky so far. I hope I didn't jinx myself!


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Lee Ann may argue with me, but I have noticed the same thing Chris. I did have pneumonia a few years ago but generally speaking I haven't had colds or flu in a very long time.

The same thought has crossed my mind.

I wish I didn't have headaches and got sick more often.

Like they say "wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first" :)

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