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Experiences with magnesium


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Hard to quantify with any accuracy. Untreated my cycles were 2-3 months long, 2 cycles a year, 2 attacks a day, morning and evening, never a wake up attack.

Magnesium is one piece of my treatment regimen, I use Batch's PH diet, the idea being to alter your arterial PH to make you less succeptible to attacks. It's the combo of the magnesium, zinc, calcium citrate with vit D, washed down with lemonade, up to 4 times a day. In addition, on cycle, I take 1200 mg of lithium, and use oxygen and occasional imitrex jab for aborts

I'm 50 now, and the cycles are all over the board. 8 month cycles, 2 year remissions, but I honestly can't remember my last KIP 10. I credit that mostly to my treatment regimen, and to some degree to my age.


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