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Unlearning chronic pain: A randomized controlled trial to investigate changes in intrinsic brain connectivity following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


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You have not listed an email address.. I looked at u your profile no mention of an email.... could be just not seeing.. bu

3 hours ago, Juss said:

This is my primary focus, cognitive restructuring through therapy. I am the armchair psychotherapist, and I hire a Diplomate of The American Psychotherapy Association to be my mentor.

I owe my life to Dr. Beck and the cognitive movement from UPENN, coincidentally where I had aspirations-and had quite an opportunity-to attend the Wharton School of Business. While lesser known, and I will furnish journals, I owe it to Ellis and his cousin to Beck’s CT, Rational Emotive Therapy.

This is a straight Academic Medical Journal, and not for the faint of heart. If interested, I have access to just about anything, or know how to find it.

I can even access, please give me time, some internal memos that they don’t want you to see. That I can’t promise, however, lost a lot of contacts.

No promises. It’s been sometime, but I think I still understand the complexities of FOIA request and acquisition. Don’t hold me to that either. At one time, you’d be amazed at what I could get access to as a now civilian, non defense contractor. You just have to know how and where to look, and how to file. 

You should be paying attention to the FDA. Something that none of you know, how and the only reason SSRis came to fruition, aka Prozac, is because Eli Lilly was on life support and needed a bailout in 89. Guess who sat on the board? Papa Bush! Money and politics go hand and hand. Sidebar, glad I couldn’t complete that major in Urban Planning and Economic Development that is code for corruption, politics, and dirty money.

Anyway, I have plenty more of this. I have to get motivated and my ADHD is going like a blender on high speed, suppose it’s SBUX double shots and pushing myself. My psychotherapist actually assigns stuff like this for me to read, as well as clinical guides. Translation, I am a week behind thanks to the headaches:


Resigned if I checked but went to work at Pfizer as the board of directors.. no one should know but we do!

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Just now, BoscoPiko said:

You have not listed an email address.. I looked at u your profile no mention of an email.... could be just not seeing.. bu

Resigned if I checked but went to work at Pfizer as the board of directors.. no one should know but we do!

We will get in trouble on here for this conversation you can private message me if you like. Boscopiko@gmail.com 

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