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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2016 in all areas

  1. After reading the others' comments, I tend to believe them and believe that the odds would be stacked against a person with so many people that are just plain anti-drug, even when they don't know the science and the facts. I don't ever want to draw any unwanted bad attention towards us clusterheads, towards the alternatives, or towards this site or others that support us. I would NEVER do that. I'd rather plead the 5th and take the punishment than to cause any negative effects towards anyone here, there, etc... I don't think I'm on anyone's radar and I've always been 'low-key'. This is the ONLY place I discuss these matters. I only have a couple of family members that know what I'm doing and they are all 100% for me doing anything that I have to do to help stop and/or prevent my cluster attacks. They see what an attack does to me and they support me doing anything I can do to stop these even if the law doesn't want me to do it. They know I'm not doing this for recreation or for money or for any other reason. It's come down to what Dan said in his documentary : It's suicide or psychedelics. (I think that's the exact quote). For the record, I DO NOT want to commit suicide. I am NOT suicidal. I DO NOT want to die yet. I want to live as 'normal' as I can. I want to be there for my family and friends. And maybe someday, after I get my own clusters under control, I can "Pay it forward" and give back to this community that is helping me so much. Just sitting here and doing nothing about my clusters and suffering multiple attack everyday is NOT an option for me. I would not make it that way. So, for now, I hope that NOBODY get's into any troubles regarding this and if anyone does, I hope they do not mention this place or anyone here. The time's just not right yet. Maybe some day (Hopefully someday soon) .. the time will come when we can push harder for more studies and legalization for medical purposes. If someone gets into troubles and this place and everyone here agreed to fight with them, I'd be willing to travel wherever I'm needed for my testimony or possibly pitch in for legal defense .. but I would ONLY do it as a part of a whole group. Peace and pain free wishes to you all ! 1LS :-)
    2 points
  2. Sounds like you have the same tyoe of problem I have. After 20 plus years of my Doc of treating my headaches as migraines it turns out that I have migraines with cluster events during the attack. What happens with me is during a migraine I will get a CH that last between 1 1/2 to 3 hours long with 1/2 hour breaks in between CH events. Oxygen and MM and seeds have been a life saver for me.
    1 point
  3. snap mate !just the thought of no access to are most needed medicine,all said .one of us will have to face the legal crap at some point.! i am a very private person dont do social media,this is the only site i have responded to, you fellow folks on here has really boosted my confidence in many ways included the thought of taking on the legal issues that we will all someday will come to face, and may i add i so much appreciated the comfort i have found with you guys ,thank you all
    1 point
  4. And I've put the links into the group's "File" section (no scrolling away). Thank you so much. Your efforts are amazing!
    1 point
  5. Hi Roger, It seems to go pretty well. The website is neat. I'can't wait to test it on my iPhone ! Great job !
    1 point
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