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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi All. I was one of Dr. Sewell's original 53 who supplied our experiences with busting way back when. I just wanted to share with some of the new folks that may have some apprehension this treatment CHANGED MY LIFE. With the guidance from Bob, Flash, and PinkSharkMark (RIP) and Dr Sewell (RIP), terrified to try the treatment, I ventured into process that has changed so much in my life (I actually found some personality benefits to the treatment also). Sadly after I got complete control over the beast I drifted away from the site, only popping in here and there to see what was new. I am an episodic typically 3 month attacks, 6 off...until Bob. Since the early 2000's I have frequently gone years PF. Until a few weeks ago I had 4 years PF...no exaggeration! Anyway, if I can help anyone with advice (not sure how, this site is so resource rich) or support, please let me know. I owe a great deal to Bob and the group, and realized recently that I still am a clusterhead...despite my thinking to the contrary....if you are one the fence about busting, like I was....take the leap! Eternal gratitude to Bob, Flash, PSM and Dr. Sewell...AMAZING PEOPLE!
    1 point
  2. Please don't beat yourself up over the wine!!! Most of us can drink alcohol out of cycle without any issues. So, how would you even think about it? I highly doubt that your husband blames you. Pred. is not a good long term medicine due to the side effects. Verapamil is good for many. How much is he taking? The short acting is better for CH than the extended release from my reading and experience. Also, the CH gets worse as you taper down the Pred. It is often used as a bridging med until the Verap. kicks in. Not good for the long term at all. The amount of Verapamil he can take is partially determined by his blood pressure. It lowers your BP. So, too much for one person is fine for another. D3 Regimen is great for a whole lot of people. I would recommend getting those vitamins for him. He could get some relief in days or a few weeks. Personally, it has reduced the intensity and ramp up time. I would hate to have to give it up. He can down an energy drink or shot quickly at the start of a hit. Most like them cold and slam them down quick, like on the way to the O2. Sleeping partially reclined in a recliner helps many as well. Just keep his head up a bit above his heart. I pack pillows around to relax. Melatonin in the 9-25mg range can be a big help too. Start out with about 9mg. See how he feels. If he does not get relief at that level, you can increase the dose. There are several foods that trigger different people. Chocolate being one. MSG is a big No No too. Perhaps CHF can bring up that list of food triggers for us? I am not up to full speed on the new format. Again, you need a big hug, not to blame yourself. And remember, CH is really good at changing on us!!! You can be chronic one year and episodic the next. It just does it's own thing and we fight back. A 3 or 4 year break is really terrific!!! The return of the beast is the pits. ATB
    1 point
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