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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2017 in all areas

  1. I knew it was a tincture...probably some or all of feverfew, butterbur, gingko biloba, kudzu...et al. Do you know that alcohol is a trigger for many clusterheads? There was a time when "3 drops" would have put me at kip 8 within minutes ...no such thing as a cure....if it works for you...great...I AM doubting it's general potential success...to put it freaking mildly. Do you understand cycle ends, have you considered placebo effect (doubtful for ch, but then......)...how often do you take unknown chemicals from unknown sources based on "I heard"? ...what's your history (episodic, chronic, cycle length and type, diagnosis, dosages of meds, attempts at modifying dosages, combinations, O2 experience (type of mask, flow rate, technique), experience with steroids (IV, taper, both?), caffeine taurine combo (energy drinks), cold and/ hot applications? Vitamin D3 regimen? Attempts on this forum or others to seek advice on these? There are folks here and ch.com will bend over backwards to help....all ya gotta do is sincerely ask. However, your very first post touts a wonder cure...you should have heard the eyerolls and guffaws...I did! Your offer does remind me of a 1975 Starsky and Hutch episode...."out of the good ness of my heart...my friend...the FIRST one is free". What are you charging for the second....hmmmmmmm?? I have no desire to argue with someone who has no credibility...so I won't...PFDAN.
    1 point
  2. The bad news is that for most people things don't get better on their own with age/time. For some they do -- maybe you'll be one of them. The good news is, holy cow, gosh, there are plenty of things that will help you. Most people would put oxygen #1 on that list, as an abortive for your attacks. Pharma meds such as verapamil as a preventive and injectable sumatriptan as a backup abortive are often effective. You really need to become familiar with oxygen and meds. In the ClusterBuster Files section of this board, you could look over "Bob's Big Pocket Guide . . ." Find the places that seem most relevant to you and start there. For strictly pharma stuff, google [Goadsby treatment of cluster headache] for a clear discussion. A list of recommended doctors appears as the first post at the top of this board ("General Board"). A good doctor makes a difference. Many docs won't/don't even prescribe oxygen, which is pretty close to malpractice given that all medical references list it as the #1 abortive. (You can set up your own oxygen system using welding oxygen, as about 20% of people with CH do, but an O2 prescription is a nice thing to have.) The vitamin D3 regimen that is described in that same ClusterBuster Files section has helped hundreds of people. Give it some very serious consideration. Busting is highly effective. Read the numbered files in the CB Files section to learn more about that. Try quickly drinking an energy shot, such as 5-Hour Energy, at the first sign of an attack. It can reduce the severity of attacks and sometimes even abort them. Strong cup of coffee might work, but the energy shots are generally better. Melatonin at night, starting at 9 mg and working up, helps many . . . CH still sucks, but you could be feeling a whole lot better.
    1 point
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