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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi Mike...sorry you have to be here...but you'll be glad you are. Sounds like you need a new doc... a HEADACHE specialist...not just any neuro will do. I say this because that' a bad cocktail you're getting. Propanol is basically worthless for CH...it works somewhat for migraine. 80 mg/dy of verapamil is ridiculously low...so also worthless...most find the sweet spot to be 480 mg/dy taken in divided doses (immediate release is better for many vs extended release). Some go even higher...I used to take over 1000 mg/dy when in high cycle. Some have found success with Topomax...but the side effects are life altering and most stop. I couldn't function mentally at only 100 mg/dy...can't even imagine what 200 would be like. Caffeine containing energy drinks (minimum 100 mg caffeine AND 1000 mg taurine) taken at the onset of hit (preferably COLD and fast) is an effective abort for many. Any brand will do...I get mine at discount grocery stores for about $1/can...red Bull is the most famous but has a relatively low amount of caffeine/taurine and you are paying through the nose for their advertising. Eliminate all caffeine during the rest of the day....allows the energy drink to have a bigger punch as the body has not adjusted and therefor damped down the response. We all love us some O2...glad you got that going for you....Zomig NS (5 mg) is my abort of last resort when all else fails...effective 99% of the time for me....damned expensive tho and the insurance bastards make getting enough difficult. Look into the Vitamin D3 regimen (sorry I can't post the link...my wifi is wonky) but I'm sure someone else will post for you. Best Jon
    1 point
  2. I am going this year, saving account be damned. I have never in the 20 years i have had CH spoke directly to another person who also had it. Such a simple thing I believe will have a profound effect for me....I need to know that you all are real people.
    1 point
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