Hi Melissa,
I'm sorry this is happening to you.
are your headaches spread out over your head? Or are they concentrated in one area? Where are they?
what does the pain feel like, specifically? Does your nose run or your eye tear up on the side of the pain?
Do your headaches tend to happen at the same time of day?
We are not doctors and cannot diagnose you with cluster headaches; however, there are some tell-tale signs to look for, which is why I asked you those questions.
To get a diagnosis of cluster headaches, you will need to see a neurologist. Preferably one with a headache specialty. The ClusterBusters and ClusterHeadaches.com maintain a list of medical providers that are familiar with CH.
In the meantime, we have some techniques we use around here that may help you with the pain:
1) keep a large glass of ice water on you at all times with a straw and buy some 5 hour energy drinks. When you feel a headache coming on, IMMEDIATELY, drink one 5 hour energy in one go, then suck the ice water into the back of your throat on the roof of your mouth on the same side as the headache. This can sometimes abort a cluster headache attack (but it is not a guarantee). Keep sucking on that water until the headache feeling passes. If it comes back, keep sucking on it. Watch your caffeine intake when using this method
2) there is a tendon under your ear lobe on your neck. Sometimes you can ease the pain by pressing on this tendon on the CH side hard (it will hurt), and holding the pressure for a slow count of 30.
3) my go-to in a CH attack is to run an extremely hot shower. I sit in the shower, in the dark, and run the piping hot water right on my face. This sometimes eases the pain for 45 seconds at a time. It's not a solution, but can help weather the storm. For a long attack, it gets old though. Some folks around here prefer ice.
There are many other treatment options available:
if you have cluster headaches, the standard medical practice is to use:
1) Imitrex to abort acute attacks.
2) Verapamil long term to disrupt your cycle.
3) Steroids short-term to give your body a jolt and hopefully shake up the cycle.
A doctor can tell you more about them if you like.
More than anything else, the use of oxygen to abort attacks is indicated by the medical literature. You can find more information about oxygen in the ClusterBuster Files section of the forum. While you are there, read up on the Vitamin D method as well.
Last, there is the ClusterBuster method, which involves taking certain psychedelic substances to stop a cluster headache cycle and prevent future ones. There are many knowledgeable people around here who can answer your questions about that should you choose it.
finally, start keeping a diary of your headaches. What time are they? How bad are they? Where are they on your head? How long did they last? What made them feel better? This is important to help you plan what to do about them.
again, I'm sorry this is happening to you, and I hope you find some relief soon. People here will answer your questions and you have many treatment options available. Stay positive !!!!