Welcome Dylan, sorry that you have to be here but we are here for you.
In my case, it's less difficult than in other countries to find people who understand our pain and emotional/social suffering. There is a clusterhead with untreatable CH in my county, he has appeared quite a lot on the news and this helps all the clusterheads in my county, we can just refer, sadly, to this guy and most people know him.
Even tough, most people just see it as severe migrains and will never understand until they feel it. I turn mostly to my girl when I'm at my worst. I have started to open up to my family lately and showing them what living with CH is really like. They try really hard to understand.
If you can treat it, with O2, D3, triptans etc there's still "living" besides surviving the clusters. I was diagnosed with CH when I was 19, after having it for 2 years. Failed school etc. 6 years later I went back and now I just finished my university college and started to work as a paralegal. I have a very understanding employer who also gets benefits from the state for hiring me (the state pays part of my social burden and extras when I can't work because of the clusters).
It isn't easy talking to people , let alone an employer. But there are people who understand. Hiding the pain and side effects from meds is nearly impossible, talking about it to people who really care for you is the first step.
People who don't understand after you show them what this pain does, who don't want to, are not worth your time. I just let them talk don't listen. (picture monkey with instrument in homer simpsons head ) just knot and don't let it get to you.
Hope this helps a bit, if not, we find some comfort in each other, here in this forum