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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2018 in all areas

  1. I've been off verapamil and sumatriptan for 4 days now, getting ready to try the tryptamine busting method, and just wanted to share something thats been a big help in reducing the severity of my attacks this week. I read that energy drinks and caffeine helps some users, so at the onset of an attack I tried a scoop of my pre-workout supplement, which contains 155mg caffein (among other common ingredients like creatine and beta-alanine) and it worked wonders. in about 15 minutes the pain went from an 8 to a 3.. The best part, is there is no sugar and it costs less than a $1.00 per serving, rather than $3 for the 5 hour energy shots and I'm not sure what a can of monster or redbull costs these days.. The stuff i use is called The Curse, cheap and tastes great and the ingredient list is pretty straight forward. https://www.amazon.com/Cobra-Labs-Curse-Green-Servings/dp/B01H420KPG/ref=pd_sim_121_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01H420KPG&pd_rd_r=D29FJJ8B2R0P0WCJW1XW&pd_rd_w=CHt2N&pd_rd_wg=ED4y7&psc=1&refRID=D29FJJ8B2R0P0WCJW1XW Worth a try if you find caffeine helps you out!
    1 point
  2. I know a clusterhead in Denver who's participating in the CGRP trials and he has had very good results! As to pricing, I saw a piece on the morning news show last week about it and uninsured cost for the treatment is estimated at $6900/year!! Good luck! Dallas Denny
    1 point
  3. I've been thinking a lot about the psychological toll CH can have on someone. Even before CH suicidal thoughts always seemed to follow me wherever i go. I always had my doubts in myself. I've always had doubts i was strong enough to be able to keep going. I had trouble coming to terms with having CH and that it even existed. The pain was always a reminder that this is real. That i have this. That too many people have this. I'm still pretty new but I'm not quite as helpless as i was before i first joined I've been finding my way. I don't have much in the way of super helpful advice for anyone or even much to say that's very noteworthy as i haven't quite gotten the hang of all this yet. Still at the very least i want to say to everyone who's new to this or that is struggling in general please hang in there. Stay strong and don't give up. We have to take this all one day at a time and keep pushing forward. You are not alone. Don't doubt yourself or your resolve. You ARE strong. I see so much unity in this community and so many people helping each other out whether it be with advice straight up emotional support or both. This is an awful thing to have but its brought many of us together. That is something and whenever i feel i have no one who understands i like to read what people are up to here. For everyone out there,you are an ox...a strong,resilient,antique breaking ox.
    1 point
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