I've been off verapamil and sumatriptan for 4 days now, getting ready to try the tryptamine busting method, and just wanted to share something thats been a big help in reducing the severity of my attacks this week.
I read that energy drinks and caffeine helps some users, so at the onset of an attack I tried a scoop of my pre-workout supplement, which contains 155mg caffein (among other common ingredients like creatine and beta-alanine) and it worked wonders. in about 15 minutes the pain went from an 8 to a 3..
The best part, is there is no sugar and it costs less than a $1.00 per serving, rather than $3 for the 5 hour energy shots and I'm not sure what a can of monster or redbull costs these days..
The stuff i use is called The Curse, cheap and tastes great and the ingredient list is pretty straight forward.
Worth a try if you find caffeine helps you out!