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  1. I order all my regulators off Amazon also. the M size tank should be a "cga540". As far as keeping your mask clean I use a crown royal bag to keep my mask in when it is not in use, that is a cloth breathable bag that keeps the dust off when it is in the car or sitting in my room. I have about 4 masks spread around from work the car and my house. I have little alcohol wipes that you would find in a medical kit that I use to wipe the mask out with from time to time. I also will take the mask apart and clean it in the sink. When you clean it in the sink make sure you dry it out 100% so you don't have any issues with a stuck valve or any moist area that bacteria would like to grow in.
    1 point
  2. Hey Melanie, Unless you've a big burly guy handy to move large oxygen cylinders, I would suggest you order the M-size oxygen cylinder as they weigh 70 lb. The home oxygen supplier will deliver and set it in the location of your choice. Better yet, if they have them, order a couple Luxfer M-60 Aluminum oxygen cylinders. They're small enough for you to lug around and carry in your car as they weigh 24 lbs and hold 1700 liters of oxygen. It's about the size of a SCUBA Diving cylinder. The following link provides an image of the Luxfer line of Aluminum cylinders. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=DPK09POO&id=2016882FBFC28D97794FBC87F9D4EC02E0E033D5&thid=OIP.DPK09POOXI0YmPvvYhHAAgHaFS&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fcdn.dotmed.com%2fimages%2flistingpics%2f1214262.jpg&exph=334&expw=468&q=Luxfer+Aluminum+M60&simid=608036976385393860&selectedIndex=2&ajaxhist=0 The M-size oxygen cylinders have a CGA-540 fill fitting that is also used to attach a regulator so your regulator must be CGA-540. As you are looking for performance, I would suggest ordering a 0 to 60 lpm InGage regulator from FlotecO2. I've sent FlotecO2 an email for all the details as they build these regulators to order. I'll send you their reply. They run around $175 - $185. I've had one since 2005 and they're the best oxygen regulator available. They're equipped with a barb fitting for standard oxygen masks and a single DISS fitting should you decide to get an oxygen demand valve in the future. The following photo illustrates my M60 with Flotec InGage 0-60 lpm oxygen regulator equipped with a barb fitting and DISS fitting. This regulator will also work well with the larger M-Size 3995 liter oxygen cylinder. The regulator is called InGage as the pressure gauge is internal and viewed through a mall window next to the CGA-540 attach fitting. The other window opposite the green barb fitting indicates the flow rate selected. . As a side note, I buy welder's O2 in an M-size cylinder and have a fill fitting to refill my M60. I also do welding/brazing... An M60 costs $160. If you're interested, I have part numbers for everything you'll need if you decide to go the Welder's O2 route. Take care, V/R, Batch
    1 point
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