Maybe a bit of comparison on my Kipp Scale, for those that have a different interpretation:
I've broken my wrist before. It was 10 at night and I didn't feel like going to the emergency room. I decided to go to bed and go in the morning. I went right to sleep like a baby 15 minutes after breaking it. Slept fine got up. Put my wrist in a tshirt sling and went to the emergency room. My kipp level was maybe 3 out of 10.
I've de-gloved 2 fingers on my right hand in a sailing accident. The index and middle finger had the meat pulled right off the bone. My middle finger bone was sticking out like a skeleton you see at Halloween. Of course both fingernails were peeled off as well. We were docking a large boat and my fingers got caught in a cleat. I yelled up to the guy on the bow not to dilly dally, that he had to take me to the emergency room as soon as the boat was tied up. I grabbed a hand towel from the galley and ran back on deck spewing blood everywhere. I finished securing the stern and port of the boat before showing my friend what happened. He drove me to the emergency room where they reassembled my fingers. Oh and without any anesthetic. I'm immune to the anesthetic they use for nerve blocks. My peak pain through the entire event was maybe a 4. My pain tolerance is VERY high due to my years with CH I can only assume.
I've had 3 kidney stones. Passed one of them. Kipp 5 to 6. Other two had surgery to remove and were maybe Kipp 3 tops.
To say my pain levels with a CH K10 are worse than an amputation without anesthetic is a no brainer. My K10's are much worse. Everyone is different, but pain is pain. Support for our CH family here is what's its all about.