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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. I recently called my Neurologist and they informed me to contact my regular Dr. for a blood test. Well I called my family doc and they told me since I had not seen them since last September that I would have to schedule an office appt. first. Well that's Bull because my last appt. with him was 2 months ago (who's keeping records in this office?). I did inform both offices of the loading I was doing with Vit. D3 too. Not wanting to schedule yet another appointment I went online and discovered this site. https://www.privatemdlabs.com/ Insurance will not cover it but by the time I have an office appt. and an extra cost for blood work I figured it was cheaper in the long run to go with privatemdlabs. Total cost was $56.00 and the blood lab I set my appt. with is only 15 minutes away. Normal cost was $65.99, but found a coupon to save even more $$ ( in fact I always look for online code's/coupon's ) In fact I had my blood drawn this morning and they'll email the results to me in 2-3 days.
    1 point
  2. Hey Darren, Zookah gave you the best advice. Your healthcare system in Canada does not cover routine 25(OH)D lab test unless there's a potential medical emergency. You can try telling your PCP/GP or neurologist you're taking 50,000 IU/day vitamin D3 and want to make sure it's not causing hypercalcemia, a.k.a., vitamin D3 intoxication/toxicity. If your PCP/GP is on the ball, he'll order a lab test of your serum calcium as well. If that doesn't work, you can order a DIY 25(OH)D home blood spot test kit from GrassrootsHealth at the following link. They will ask you to join their D*Action program and register (it's free). The D*Action program tracks people taking vitamin D3 with a questionnaire and 25(OH)D lab tests. The charge for the home 25(OH)D lab test is $65 USD. I've used it many times and keep a D*Action test kit on my desk at all times. https://grassrootshealth.net/project/order-home-test-kit/ The assay method used for this DIY home test for 25(OH)D is called LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography dual mass spectroscopy). This is the only assay method I suggest as it's capable of measuring total 25(OH)D serum concentrations up to 512 ng/mL, where the DiaSorin assay method, chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) is only good up to 117.4 ng/mL. This is important as many CHers need to elevate their serum 25(OH)D above 120 ng/mL to experience a CH pain free response to this regimen. Regarding the safety of the anti-inflammatory regimen including the 12-Day accelerated vitamin D3 loading schedule... It's very safe. I've been providing information outreach on the this regimen since December of 2010. I estimate over 2000 CHers have started this regimen since then and I've yet to see a CHer report hypercalcemia as a result of following this CH preventative treatment protocol. The anti-inflammatory regimen is so safe I also have the rest of my family including three grand kids on this regimen and none of them have CH. The kids get a vitamin D3 dose of 50 IU per pound of body weight per day. For reference, I've had to take average doses of vitamin D3 up to 40,000 IU/day due to allergic reactions to pollen and mold spores in order to remain CH pain free. This has driven my 25(OH)D well above the 100 ng/mL upper limit of the normal reference range for this lab test as you'll see in the following chart of my lab results for 25(OH)D, calcium and PTH over the last 3 years. My PCP is OK with my 25(OH)D serum concentration this high as long as my serum calcium remains within its normal reference range... and as you can see, it has. I'm 75, in good health, and I don't take any Rx medications. It appears you've read enough about this treatment protocol to know that you'll need a second set of labs for your serum 25(OH)D, calcium and PTH when you've been on this regimen for at least 30 days. This is one of the reasons it's very helpful to have your PCP/GP or neurologist working with you in a team effort as you start this regimen. Accordingly, it may be helpful if you download a copy of the treatment protocol at the following link and take it to your PCP/GP or neurologist when you ask for the 25(OH)D lab test. http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=7708 It's interesting to note that readers of my web page at VitaminDWiki.com have downloaded over 34,000 copies of the above treatment protocol since I put it up online in January of 2017. When you have the results from this second set of labs in hand, please try to take the online survey of CHers taking this regimen. I'm using the results as part of a study to help neurologists and headache specialists become aware of the benefits of this treatment protocol so more CHers can experience the wonderful sensation of CH pain free life. To start this survey, click on the following link: http://www.esurveyspro.com/Survey.aspx?id=fb8a2415-629f-4ebc-907c-c5ce971022f6 Thanks, take care and please keep us posted. V/R, Batch
    1 point
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