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  1. kat', closer to four hours, I would think. An M tank holds about 3500 liters. 3500/15 = ~230 minutes of O2. But some people do find that when the tank gets lower in O2, the abort is less effective. I've already given you my view about demand valves: nice, but not necessary and expensive, and won't save you any significant O2. You will probably also want a smaller tank, an E tank, for portability (car/work, etc.).
    2 points
  2. Hang in there @kat_92! I could not access medical oxygen s went the welder's route last week through praxair in my neighborhood. To be honest, when i had all the gear i wasn't really sure what i was doing with it all. But with a wrench and special adapter that fits the regulator and hose, I'm all set now. With the exception of a brutal CH last night, i believe it is def helping.
    2 points
  3. I'll post about my regulator size and tank when I get home and can access the paperwork. I am episodic. This is only my fourth cycle. My first occurred in Feb 2012 and lasted for 6 months. I think it lasted so long because I had no idea what i was dealing with. A friend suggested magic mushrooms. I really didn't think they would work but i was willing to try anything at that point. To my amazement, they worked and CH went away within the next week. I've had 2 cycles since then that i treated with mushrooms successfully. This cycle is more persistent. It began Aug 2 at 3:30. The first 6 weeks were horrendous. I was prescribed a few meds but they were not helpful. I have also been taking mushrooms almost weekly since the cycle started with the exception of skipping 2 weeks. After reading here about the mushroom "schedule" I've recently switched it up a bit so i am taking them every 5 days now. I'll be dosing later tonight to stay on track. They have helped me the most. The mushrooms have decreased the frequency, severity and length of the attacks. For me, I'm just not sure why the mushrooms are no longer working to make it go away completely. I know i'm just a few weeks in to the cycle but I am wondering if this means I'm going chronic now. And that worries me. I'm taking the vit 3 regimen for 2.5 solid weeks now but I really do not notice any change from that. I've stopped all prescribed meds, I have ordered the rivera seeds and am waiting for those to arrive but have not tried them yet. When Emgality becomes available in Canada I will get it as soon as i can.
    1 point
  4. You have to go to a medical oxygen supplier, which is not the same thing as a medical supply store. Type "oxygen suppliers" and the place where you live into google. Or look for Lincare, Praxair, Airgas, Linde, Apria . . . those are some common ones. It's pretty common for doctors to fax an O2 prescription directly to a supplier. Does s/he not know any? You could call neurologists, or hospitals, or assisted living places or nursing homes -- they all would have relationships with O2 suppliers. But if your doctor wrote your prescription for 5lpm, you are probably not going to get the tanks you need, because that is easily satisfied by a concentrator, which is pretty unsatisfactory for CH. The national suppliers I listed above all have "industrial gas" divisions that will sell you welding O2. Or google welding supplies and the place where you live. I think I have already linked you to these, but in case . . . . https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/5627-notes-about-welding-o2/ https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/6213-basic-non-busting-information/
    1 point
  5. Update: @Batch @Dallas Denny @Brain on fire @Dan32 @xBoss @Freud Thank you all to reaching out to me, It means a lot. I followed the Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 regimen and just completed the loading period. It has been very successful for me so far. I hope you are all doing well.
    1 point
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