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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2024 in all areas

  1. I am at the end of a 3 week cycle, so the attacks are shorter and more shadow like, but I had one that was lasting around 8 hours with no relief and read on here to try ginger. I made ginger tea and the pain finally started to let up! I have now had a cup of ginger tea right when I start to feel the pain come on, or tightness in my neck, which is an indicator for me, and for the past few days and attacks it has stopped the pain and the attack by the time I finish the cup of tea. Who knows how long it will last, or if it will continue to work for the lesser/shadow pains but every small bit of help to reduce or stop pain is worth it. I have been using the pure ginger tea from yogi tea. Hope this helps someone, even if just a little!
    3 points
  2. I'm in the Raleigh/Durham area in NC! Hi neighbor(s)!
    2 points
  3. The eye shifting is pretty normal for rem sleep which means Rapid Eye Movement iirc. But stress and the season can really be doing it. I would second the above with getting high flow o2 with a tank and not the concentrator, at some point that concentrator is not going to cut it, hopefully it doesn't get there, but better to be ready if it does.
    1 point
  4. Glad to hear I am not alone in letting hot water pretty much burn my scalp and neck. I always end up in the shower, sitting under the water. At first I came to it as a way to simply cope and try to calm myself down from the pain, but it does seem to help break the attack, or at least get me through the most painful peak. I have never tried hot and cold water, I will try it. Usually I just use as hot of water as I can tolerate.
    1 point
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