erin, probably your best bet for an overall view would be to type paroxysmal into the search bar at the top right of any page. There are no recent regular participants here who have a hemicrania (PH or HC), and I think it's safe to say that for those of us who are active, our knowledge is all second-hand.
I assume you are using Indomethacin.
my sense over many years of seeing people here with hemicranias is that busting doesn't help much unless it's a pretty constant thing, every five days or every week, which most people for good reason don't want to undertake. But you might get a different idea from what you find from a search.
On the other hand, the vitamin d3 regimen has (as I understand it) been quite helpful. You can send a message from here to xxx, who is called "Batch," and he will probably let you know what he has learned about this treatment and PH (to send him a PM, click on the envelope icon (above the search bar) and put xxx in to "To" line).