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Everything posted by birdman

  1. I am a bit of a sports memorabila nut so I look forward to hearing what is there.
  2. birdman


    Thanks folks. Nothing since around lunch time. Been clear headded all day. Well, as far as CH goes that is. Been 3 1/2 days since my laast pred. Very happy about that. The little patience that I usually have is starting come back. The acne that breaks out across my chest and back during pred use is very annoying though. Actually hurts a bit. What a nasty drug!
  3. birdman


    Very, very small/slight shadow. Could be the weather. Thinking, since I am going away (which involves flying, hope not a trigger) maybe I should dose. If I hit it Friday night, that would give me 4 1/2 days of pred free detox. Thoughts?
  4. birdman


    No pred today and no ch either. So psyched that I am beyond words. Hope it stays this way as I would love to try and enjoy this summer. Pain free vibes for alll my feloow clusterheads!!!!! Stinking National League. Lost my annual bet with my old man. I had a good streak going there. Been betting game with him since early 1970's. Has reached five bucks from a start of a quarter. Not sure that we ever even paid each other.
  5. Wouldn't you know it, I picked up a refill today to add to stock. This is my life story. Also, had a pool installed this past friday, hasn't rained here in weeks. Rained sunday during an impromtu b-que and again on tuesday and again today. Why does karma hate me?
  6. He should be at 15 lpm at a minimum if not 25lpm.
  7. Tom...from your mouth to God's ears!!!! Bromo apparently shows serious promise.
  8. Literally LOLOLOLOLOL. Aaahhhh, Kramer rules! ;D ;D ;D
  9. Come on David!! You are a Met fan, how intelligent can you be? LOL!! Kidding buddy! And since you are one of the brave ones with a picture, you get the good looking award almost by default. :D :D
  10. birdman


    David, Hysterical! He told me about that. Dialed the wrong number and got your wife. We laughed about that one for a while!! Hope all are well, today is day one of zero pred. Happy to correctly be back to cluster med free world. Now I just need my garden to begin moving along!!!
  11. birdman


    You know why this site rules? Was having a phone conversation about my 02 setup with one of our fellow sufferers. He was suprissed that I did not have a bubbler to add cool moisture. Lo and behold, it arrived this morning. Where else but here can you find such great people. I want to let everyone know who it was but am afraid he might then be called upon for dozens of them. Anyway, he is my second angel that I have found and just want to say a big THANK YOU!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL. Sorry for the excessive caps but it is necessary. Tim
  12. Hey David, you are a better man then me. I would have asked him what was more importatn while on the toilet this morning? Sports pages or three pages about his brothers life? Serenity now, serneity now
  13. Classic! Do they need another? LOL
  14. i have so many wise@ss stupid jovial inane comments I think my head just imploded like a soda can. LOL. For what it's worth, male, white, european decent and embarassingly handsome. Oh and vain.....just kiddin. About the handsome part...the rest is true.
  15. The best thing you can do for us is keep fighting and keep posting. We all feel the pain and suffering at times and I think we all continue to "hurt" as we see others suffer. It is comforting to know that we are helping with support as well as knowing that people are finding positive results in this battle. Please keep posting and hopefully pain free days are ahead.
  16. birdman


    David, I hope you were able to get some sleep eventually. The Mets will be fine.....until the last season collapse but we already know that is coming. Just kidding!! And heck, the Yanks didn't get Cliff Lee so that has to make all the Yankee haters happy. Even I think it would have been obnoxious! First day of 10mg pred for me, hoping to be pain AND med free in three days!!!!! Woohoo!!! ;D
  17. Read all of the clusterbuster files that you can. The information, while sometimes hard to comprehend, is extremely detailed and informative. An open mind is a great thing!!
  18. birdman


    I am going to get David's back here and remind everyone that I am a dreaded Yankees fan and even IF the Mets struggle with the Braves, the Yankees have always had their number. The 1996 series is very vivid in my memory!!!
  19. birdman


    Last day of 20mg pred, then three days of 10mg pred and we will see what is still lurking. Hopefully all done! No plans to do the beer test too soon but need some sort of test. Any other "tests" people do to see if the animal is still around? David, let me know how you are feeling and if you have any games you are interested in. Would love to do this soon! Go NY baseball!!!!! ;D
  20. birdman


    Still pain free, only lots of neck pain, and right at the back of my head, not sure what that spot is called. I can actually feel my pulse back there. If I lay on my back with the back of my head on a pillow I can actually feel the pulse moving my head slightly. How insane is that? I have to sleep on my side because of it.
  21. Carole, welcome to your second home! I too have small children and they have seen me at my worst. It breaks our hearts but they are stronger then we think and the reason we keep fighting. I am, I hope, on the way out of a terrible cycle and couldn't have made it without the support of these folks. Keep talking and communicating and give the seeds a chance. Please let us know how it goes!
  22. Welcome home! You will find nothing but honest and caring support here. Sometimes it gets necessary to be honest as well, I have needed a kick in the @ss once or twice myself. Hope you are currently feeling well!!!
  23. birdman


    Happy fourth everyone! Quick update! No major action, just small.....twinges I will call them, it is mostly sinus congestion. Keeps happening on different sides. Maybe it is just allergies, sinus, weather related, making the head do some funny things. Clears up quickly so I am not complaining. Down to 30mg on the pred taper. Enjoy a safe pain free holiday!!! 8-)
  24. birdman


    Welcome home! Denny has basically said it all. I have the welders 02 for my home, and get the small tanks from my insurance to have at work and in the car. Tell, not ask, your doctor what you want to try. If not, find another doctor.
  25. birdman


    Well, all good news!!! Been pain free and got another full nights sleep. Actually have found myself going out and forgetting to pack all my "survival gear". Amazing how quick we want to get back to normalcy. Pred is now at day three of 40mg, tomorrow is 30mg for three days. Let's hope that nothing comes roaring back after completing the taper. If it does, at least I got to have a mental refeuling period. Have a safe and happy 4th folks!!!
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