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Everything posted by Hipshot

  1. Thanks for heading up the best conference to date Lee. For those who haven't attended, it will change your life. I look forward to seeing y'all in DC and Chicago next year. Dan
  2. Hello Jerry, I think that SS Disability in order to get Medicare is a very important issue. It took me four long years of denials and appeals to finally get approved. I'm sure a lot of people quit in disgust after the first or second denial. That is by design. The SS Administration is betting those that apply will die or give up during a deliberately designed lengthy approval process. See you guys next week
  3. Good one Jeebs. Some may get tired of me saying it, but Occipital Facet Blocks DO work for me 100%. Months of relief. This is NOT a run of the mill occipital nerve block. O I am sedated, strapped down and the shot is done under fleuroscopy. It is actually in the lower part of the neck. I highly recommend it. I can't explain it any other way, IT WORKS FOR ME
  4. Great to read of your continued success Jeff
  5. FIrst time I've seen this video. Great job Lee and Mollie
  6. I saw your balloon pic on Facebook and didn't know anything about Jacob. Now I do, so very sorry for you and his family. Nothing I can say will help, but if I could say anything at all that might help, I wish I could come up with the words to take the pain away. My deep condolences Bob Dan
  7. Great to see your post Brian.
  8. Fun times with my buddy Denny. Perhaps a meet and greet and fishing sometime in e future...
  9. Denny, Denny , Denny. I will never question anything you say. You saved my life once upon a time. Get more info. I'll drink anything. Love to all my friends Dan
  10. Nice offer ipain. Glad to have you on our team
  11. Good find Spiny! I hope it makes a big difference for you
  12. Yes, thanks Doctor, I really had considered this surgery until Helitte told me her story. And good remarks Ricardo, you DO have a way with words that I enjoy reading
  13. I HAVE FIGURED OUT WHY THEY CALL SANSERT A DIRTY DRUG, Use your imagination. Multiply times 10
  14. Your being involved In is beyond priceless Dr M. [smiley=engel017.gif]
  15. Didgens, please PM me your phone # and I will send you a picture of the band aids on my neck showing the exact needle placement. It damn sure worked for several weeks. Dan Ps. cHF sent me instructions on how to post a pic on this site, but I'm not as smart as CHFather
  16. I hate to see that the sansert quit working for you Brew. How long did you get relief? Matt, idk about the toxicity but it can't be as bad as verapimil and lithium?.. I will enjoy every minute for now Dan
  17. I was given sansert by an angel.... Thank you Cindy I was totally PF after the very first 1mg capsule. I take 2mg per day. Just so folks know it works. I KNOW, everything works differently for different people, but I've never had the instant relief from anything. Even mushrooms took 5 doses. One pill and no more headaches for me. So far anyway. It's been two weeks...
  18. The Botox worked for three weeks. It quit as soon as it started. Back to the drawing board, but very grateful for three weeks PF
  19. If I'm ever north of the border, I would very much enjoy meeting you CHS. My buddy Doug lives in your country, as well as Whooligan too. I would love to visit Canada and it is on my bucket listÂ
  20. THEY'RE BACK had two hits yesterday and an unusually early bad hit at 1pm today. Has the Botox worn off?... Double damn. ....onward throu the fog It's been way worse
  21. Thanks for the thanks. NO WAY CAN I SLEEP THROUGH THE JOURNEY I sure wish I could. Maybe a super sedative but that would probably interfere with the " program" I would like to take my meds and have Michael Jackson's doctor sedate me. I would like to wake up though
  22. Things are getting much better. No headache at all the last FOUR DAYS and no attacks at night in three weeks or so. One situation: the muscle on the left side of my neck is now responsible for holding my head up. It has hurt and Charlie horsed a time or two. I just have to be careful and hold my head straight up as to not overuse the muscle...if that makes sense. I painted a room in my house, big mistake Otherwise, 100% pain free for several days... 100% zero shadow Dan
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