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Everything posted by fireface

  1. I've noticed the same thing...Scott... It's not a full blown attack ...and O2 usually takes care of it... but still ..Heat does bring it on...
  2. Cluster Headache... in the medical definition..is not considered life threatening... therefore... we will get no attention...
  3. Sounds like you're on the down side...I did shrooms after 3 months of what you are going through...Did it work or was I just done with my cycle ? Next year will tell... I feel for you, Man...Horrific situation..
  4. Whatever has caused Hypothalami .... contortion ...has still yet to be determined....
  5. I'm sure this will be controversial... How about we all submit DNA for testing ???
  6. That's what fun is all about...
  7. I understand a benefit of dosing is an enlightenment of further perception..What a nice bonus.....
  8. I always wondered why a group of guys out at our country club wore golf hats with Lilly & Merck on them...My Neuro's are always quick to hand out samples of Frova & Treximet... Those meds aren't cheap... must be some kind of kick back going on there. No prescribed drugs for me before I started... only recreationals... 30/40 years ago.
  9. Hey Bradg Good Luck... I did my first bust a couple of weeks ago and was pretty amped myself for successful results... apparently there's some kind of jinx that will be cast upon me if I brag about the fact that it worked. So, I won't say I've been HA free for 4 days now after my 2nd. dose. The Guys offered a couple of ways to prepare the shrooms under my post of New Guy In Town... I'm going for my 3rd. next week just to spank it into Nevereverland. Let us know how it goes....Dave
  10. CHfather... are you saying I should pee on my pool test strips to see what my acidity/alkalinity level is ? Thanks for your kind concern, Solace..All the best to you, also..This has been one of the worst years ever..of course...I probably say that every year. I'm cautiously optimistic the shroom treatment will help. Dave
  11. Hi Solace: I've been chronic for the last 8 years.. "normally"..3-4 attacks a week and then maybe nothing for a week..it's very erratic..and makes it hard to track on what preventatives worked and which don't. 4 years ago I went, what I called episodic, I guess it's a "high cycle" for chronics. When I start getting 1 a day for a couple of weeks and then 2 a day and then 3 a day...I know it's coming on. It works itself to a peak (this year 8 a day), tapers down..5,3,2 until it just goes back to "normal". Last night was my first pf sleep in 3 months with no meds. I think it has got worse over the years...my first high cycle year only peaked at 3 a day. I can't say for sure that any meds actually busted the cycle..one year I might think something worked and the next year it won't. The only thing I know for sure that provides some relief are the Triptins. None of the preventatives have proven to be consistent. This year I just did 2 shroom doses (thanks to the good folks on this site) and it looks like I'm coming off the cycle...did that work ?..only next year will tell. Another unusual condition for me that lets me know I'm headed for trouble is they switch from the right to left side during high cycle. "Normally", they're on the right side. One night.. a few years ago..I had it on both left and right sides at the same time for over 2 hours. That one sent me to ER begging for head amputation...Sorry my answers are so ambiguous.. it's just that nothing seems to be consistent from one year to the other. Dave
  12. Thanks Guys..I'll try a combo of the above next time...still feel like I want to puke... hopefully it's worth it. I just mixed them up in the blender with 1/2 can of OJ...wasn't bad going down... 5 grams Scott ???? I would have exited the universe as we know it...nausea would have been for mere mortals. Dave
  13. Nausea is a bad side affect... tried Zofran... after the fact... next time I'll take 1 before I dose.
  14. If medically ... .75 does just as good as 1.5 to 2...I'll take .75... Please let me know... Thanks...;Dave
  15. Went for my 2nd dose tonight...scaled back to about .75 g's Let's see what happens....
  16. I did Verapamil and prednisone one year and thought it was the miraculous cure... my high cycle stopped within 24 hrs. The next year it did nothing...as a matter of fact...I thought Verapamil made it worse... It was tablet form... Seems like substance P figured a way around it. Just like everything else. Not sure if it was SR or ER...
  17. Thanks all,,, I hadn't heard of anyone in my family having CH...but, I talked to my Mom last night she said her Dad had "terrible" headaches. Who knows what "terrible" was.. but, that may be the skipped generation link. I guess I just hate to not know what caused this. I even tried cayenne peppers (cayenne fruit in a capsule) myself, Bob... no luck though. Maybe I should tie them around my neck. Thanks Everybody... I figured you guys had been through this before...Just thought I'd give it another shot. Dave
  18. Thanks... Alleyoop...my Son's are already freaking out that they may have to deal with this some day... I think I'll keep the genetic link from them. Dave
  19. No doubt hypothalamus disfunction is at the center of attention... I saw MRI's showing deformation of the Hypo in CH sufferers.. Any Idea why you have too much spinal fluid, Mystina ?
  20. Tinge... Just so I can track on responses... what was the cause of blood loss ??
  21. I spent an entire career as an Engineer, trouble shooter, The guy that didn't just put a bandage on the wound..my job was to fix it so it wouldn't happen again...find out why it happened and keep it from happening again...I'm going to push it. Throw stuff at me.
  22. I guess we all just have twisted chromosomes.
  23. Hey Dan : The mosquito thing is kind of a joke between my Mom & I for letting me ride my bike behind those trucks..but, you never know. The last thing I did was work on that house for about a year and the bee stings were about six months before I started... I see CH was first identified back in the 20's...so that kind of rules out 'modern' day stuff.
  24. This is just my theory... During good times...3 or 4 attacks a week at night...I can drink (beer) myself to sleep and prevent an attack. Some over the counter sleep aids ( if I take enough) will prevent an attack, but they wear off after a few days of continued use. I've used Lyric in the past..again with short term success. A recent sleep study I had showed that an attack was triggered in stage 2 sleep...I'm thinking anything that will transition you quickly from awake to stage 1 to stage 2 to stage 3 may help prevent an attack. Right now I'm in a "high cycle" and alcohol will trigger an attack..."normally" it doesn't... I going to talk to my Doc about something that will take me from awake real quick into deep sleep. It just seems like the longer I linger in stage 2 the more likely an attack will trigger.... again, nothing scientific here...just my thought. Dave
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