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Everything posted by lenny
Forgive me Mr.Jeebs...That particular photo can be a bit deceiving...From what i have been told,that lovely young lady in the purple top which looks as if she is hugging Bob (actually-its Bob hugging her)...just won the raffle...she gets to bring 1 other lucky individual to have lunch with Potter @ next years convention...hope that clears things up a bit... :D :D On a serious note...that is a great photo...thank you B.G. for the photos...i bet that 4-hour drive must of seemed like 15 minutes or so...thanks again for sharing...hope to meet you next year.....Lenny
"Expired" in 2011? Man that is some really fresh imitrex in my book. 8-) I agree 1000% with Mr.Bejeeber...BTW,love of how you put it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.....Lenny
LOOKING FOR GUINEA PIGS "Dopamine Syndrome" Trials
lenny replied to Elliott's topic in General Board
[highlight]The Trials: Give up porn, give up masturbation. Sex is ok.[/highlight] 1)...would it be O.K. if we do it with a :-[ :-[ :-[ "BLOW UP DOLL"...if so,count me in 2)...for those that don't have a significant other to participate with...may i recommend a great flick...just released this past September...Potter does Vegas (very erotic and educational) ;D ;D -
Typical BS (i read the first few paragraphs and stopped) i cant be on the putor more than a few minutes before i get an attack...if you suspect that you might have a thyroid condition (a simple blood test will reveal that)...if you do find out that you do..."Endocrinologist" (sp)...i do have a thyroid condition since 1980...first hyper....now hypo....got CH appr. 6-months later (which took 3.5 years for correct diag.) as all i did was complain about my eye pain (which was always the most painful)...i have graves disease ( it affects the thyroid and eyes) so thats what all these docs thought it was (neo,endo and eye spcl.) ...it's very easy to deal with...take 1-little pill every a.m. (synthroid) and all is good Are the 2 connected,i doubt it and could give a flying fook if they are or not (wont do me any good)...for those that have a thyroid problem,it is very difficult for treating in regard of CH...hoping you don't have it... if for some chance you do have a thyroid condition...WARNING...do not go on the vitamin D reg.,as that will make your life miserable...hoping you don't have this other condition.....Lenny
Happy belated birthday...hope your special day was good for you....with MANY more to come.....Lenny
Yammy...any news...hoping for the best
As usual,i got the lyrics screwed up...but love is good ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
:) :) this made my day Potter...THANK YOU...but now you did it to me once again...does this mean to scratch the other 2-game's and you are requesting the newlywed game :o and i like you :) ...now i got that song playing in my head,from that kid program "barney" the purple dinosaur (sp) ;D ;D.....Lenny
i am very sorry that your here :'( :'( :'(...hopefully you will get a doc that specializes in headache disorders and will diagnose your specific condition correct...wishing you nothing but the best.....Lenny
It looks kinda small...hopefully there will be enough room for the 2 of us...if not,you can have the inside and i'll relax on the roof (of course,i'll need some sunscreen) ;D ;D ;D I thank you Matt for you being you...you are a very good man...boy,i am so glad to finally meet you...they don't make people like you anymore :) ...next time you come visit L.A. please look me up...i'll make sure to have plenty of ALPO on hand ;D ;D ;D...again,i thank you sir.....Lenny
 I received a phone call this a.m. from a young lady that i know from ch.com (she's on here as well)...we usually talk every 6 months or so (via-phone) for the past several years now...never had the honor of meeting with her yet,but i am sure our paths will cross...she mentioned something that made me very sad :( First of all,she congratulated me for getting out of the closet :o ...of course my defense went up on this (as i don't play that game...no offense to those that do )...my motto has and always will be "live and let live"...she meant of my first conference...and pointed out of how active i have been on the boards since...i usually don't participate much... The main reason for her call,i made a suggestion for the upcoming conf. in chicago in regards of a game... I talked about a couple people with my warped sense of humor and was having a little fun...now this could of been taken the wrong way...i certainly hope this is not the case...if i might of hurt either one of you...please do know that was not my intention whatsoever,as that was the furthest from my mind as i typed those words...with much respect...Lenny
WOW...what are the odds...like Alleyoop said :) .....Lenny
Just in case he says no,as he might...after all i am sure that most attending are married or have a significant other and that would not be fair to them...perhaps we could play wheel of fortune...after all this is something all can participate in...don't you think that would be fun...we could have Potter and Ruthie replacing Pat and Vanna...i was very impressed the way Ruthie handled the auction,so i would like her to be the host with Potter spinning the wheel...do you think they'll go for it... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D...i hope so.....Lenny
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D...your killing me...it's been a very long time since i laughed this hard...i was kind of worried that i might of come down with pseudobulbar affect.....Lenny
but a handsome 65 year old male ;) ;)
Hopefully i will have the honor of meeting you one of these days.....Lenny
:o :o .....i refuse to even attempt this...waving the white flags (1 in each hand)...come on Potter,it has to be 2-words or less ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Now that's what i love about this man...short and sweet and gets to the point...now i have been trying to figure him out the past dozen years or so (CH.com) and must admit "i have had many sleepless nights trying to"  ;D ;D ;D I will be the first to admit,i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer...today i am very proud of myself (as i think i finally figured out "THE POTTER CODE") this has been a long time coming The average person might read his last response and might think (that was not very nice of Potter) to answer like that...especially with only 2-words when Phil mentioned that he was correct...but Potter is not average...most of the time he speaks in "PENGLISH"...it's similar to english :D ... In his first response,he mentioned that is was good to eat... What appears to be words (from Potter) are not words,but codes...each letter is a word...the problem is figuring the correct word with the letter...his last response was ("No Shit") now i will explain...look below 1)...N...no 2)...O...other 3)...S...shroom 4)...H...has 5)...I...it's 6)...T...taste all he was trying to say...they are very tastey...;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
What?!?! You're a brat, Racer, a BRAT!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D...i agree 100% that he is a brat and a ninnie...i was fooled all of these years,thinking he was a real gentleman (CH.com board) now we know :D :D BTW,you are photogenic...in a respectful way
New Mexico/legal status of Psilo mushrooms?
lenny replied to CH-HELL's topic in Research & Scientific News
Not at the moment,as i am happy living here (i think) LOL...if you ask that same question in a few years when the dementia kicks in...i am sure that i will join :D :D -
Now that is funny...Is that a bull or a cow...i had a dream the other night...you and Potter took over for Penn-Teller at the Rio...not sure which one was Penn and which one was Teller ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D On a serious note...it was great to finally meet both of you .....Lenny
You should of been there...all i can say,he was AMAZING...when they called for him to speak...the room got very quite...he slowly walked to the podium with a stern look on his face...he started from the left side of the room to the right (making eye contact with each and everyone of his FANS) from the front row to the back...when he was done making eye contact with all of us...he said 1-word and only one word BULL-SHIT...and slowly walked back to his seat...that whole room jumped to its feet with a standing ovation,whistling,half the room lighting their lighters (smokers i guess)...i don't think there was a dry eye in the room except for POTTER...there were 2 doc's in the room and both had to be consoled...like i said,absolutely amazing ;D ;D ;D ;D
DITTO-DITTO-DITTO...can you tell that i agree :D I was very impressed of what and how CLUSTERBUSTERS is doing for us...from the bottom of my heart,i thank each and everyone of you.....Lenny BTW,i am convinced that Bejeeber can walk on water :o
For whatever reason my computer here at work will not allow me to view the photos...will check them out this p.m. when i get home...Lenny
Are your balls really blue  :D What do you think of the idea of playing the dating game in Chicago next year (of course this would have to be in the p.m.) ;D ;D ;D We could have bb playing chuck Woolery (sp ?)...could you imagine the questions (example # 1).....Bachelorette #1,we are driving down the highway (I'm driving and your in the passenger side) having a good conversation and all of a sudden you notice that i am getting quite and covering my right eye,leaning slightly leaning forward (hoping you don't notice)but of course you do...What would you do and why ;D ;D ;D On a serious note...Like the bb said you are a handsome young man (cough-cough) of course the coughing is a joke,so i will start over ;D ;D ;D You mentioned that you were married 11-years...perhaps your high school sweetheart ? regardless,you were young and perhaps used to having someone around and now that your single (perhaps a bit lonely) i don't know you that well and all i can do is guess...forgive me if i am wrong with what i said or what i am about to say i have seen many folks go thru a separation or a divorce and a good majority of them jump into a relationship way too quick (can be a big disaster)...your a very nice young man,handsome and i am sure have allot to offer...why not give yourself some time and find out of what you really want...allot of folks go thru this and completely forget of who they were prior to their marriage...get out there and date,have fun...if it were i,i would give myself a few years before i would consider having a serious relationship...that's just me...i sure hope i did not offend you in any way (not my intention at all)...you seem like a very good man,give yourself a break ...hoping nothing but the best for you.....Lenny