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Looks like you are right Bob, thanks for your input.
Busting is my prior one method for CH but I'm always curious to find solutions how to get rid of this awful disease. As I want as much information as possible I found the van Gemert method that could solve CH. As I'm skeptic to this method and I'm not really convinced I'm curious if somebody knows this method and If somebody tried the same. As I know my eyes are pretty good in viewing distances and nearby but I have problems reading a book. Reason is my eyes are not in line so this causes tiredness as I read books. It also could give me headaches. For me it is no problem as I can see very good but can't read books I just don't read books. The Gemert method could solve my eye problem but I'm not sure it could solve CH. It sounds fantastic as this could solve CH problems. The Gemert method is Dutch and I don't know if there is any English institute with the same treatment. Follow the link and google translate it from Dutch to English. The main page: http://translate.google.nl/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=nl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vangemertinstituut.nl%2Fhoofdpijn%2Fdefault.asp A story of a chronic CH patient: Reilif Bonse (1976) "" After 6 years of chronic cluster headache, I could not imagine what it was like having no headaches. "" After a long journey through various specialists in headaches, many different therapies and medications, I came in October 2000 against the information on the Internet METHOD OF GEMERT ®. Because I had tried so many ways to make this terrible disease to get, I checked this information skeptical. I was certainly not convinced of the promising information I read about this therapy. Despite my skepticism to this therapy, I have looked at me enrolled in a research. During this study we looked at the performance of my eyes. The investigation revealed that my one eye was dominant over the other eye, because this dominant eye as it were, looked on his own, there was an overload of the eye. Also found that my eye deviated a bit (I looked a little cross-eyed.) I decided to continue with the therapy, which for me meant that using custom glass was attempted to correct the deviations. The treatment began in December 2000. The first month I had a surge of complaints, I suppose this was because out of nowhere a big change down at my eyes. Fortunately, this period was followed by a month, no attack of cluster headache. For my it was unbelievable this month, after 6 years of chronic cluster headache, which for me meant that I average 1 time per day had an attack, I could not imagine what it was just a time to have no headache. The tension on my eyes fell through the custom glass. The strength of my glasses I noticed this change directly because I then got more attacks. In about six months, my glasses regularly updated and every time I noticed again that the strength changed by an increase in seizures. After this period, the strength of my glasses constantly and there was a sharp decline in attacks. If I did I had to calm almost no attacks but as I became busier, I got more attacks. Nowadays I have the appropriate glasses and medication (verapamil), hardly any attacks. Another story: Anja v / d Laan-Buys (1952) "Cluster Headache" Cluster Headache The Hague, 17/01/2006 I suffered for nine years on cluster headache. First it started with an occasional attack at night, but after a few years the attacks came more often. The last time it was already so bad that it is 2 to 3 weeks in a row every night attacks were 1 to 2. And those attacks are so horrible that you would die at that moment, with that indescribable. I had already gone through all the regular circuit. I also used spray to attack immigrants, had an oxygen bottle beside my bed, and swallowed Topamax (topiramate) 350 mg per day. That lit the attacks, but they took it away. Then I heard through the grapevine of the GEMERT EMETHODE ®. I had tried everything and thought this is the last remaining. All costs, this is my last straw. In May 2005 I had had my 1ebehandeling you want and not believing in July my last attack. It is now January 2006 and still have no attacks. Now I'm off my medications and am now building at 125 mg and it's still great. I can not say enough how grateful I am that Mr. Van Gemert he and his colleagues I have cured my cluster headaches. Sincerely, Anja v / d Laan-Buys Mr. Ruud Bouwman (1944) "" After six treatments considerably less expense. "" In December 2001 I went for the first time Mr. Van Gemert was an intake. I had the address from a colleague of my wife, this fellow was on the Internet website of Van Gemert views. I suffered from cluster headaches. After the intake, I decided to start the therapy and I must say that the treatment has gone perfectly, I am very satisfied. In the meantime I had a few headaches, but a lot less violent than the cluster headaches I used to suffer from it. I then had six treatments, then I was stable and the therapy is completed. I would check after half year, but when I went back early because my symptoms came back again. They gave me another glass were measured and since then, it very well. I need now only once every year to check out. Oscar
Active/Lethal Dose Ratio and Dependency any drug.
Oscar replied to Oscar's topic in Research & Scientific News
Thanks Funguy for the link to the source. As I found this one on some board without the source I wasn't sure where it was coming from. Seems wikipedia. The first link is great, thanks for that ! Would like to see more people understand this -
Good idea Ricardo, maybe I had to do the same when I visited my neuro last time. She wasn't impressed by the side effects of Meds but did say shrooms are bad, can you imagine, LOLÂ Verapamil, I hate it. It did do nothing to me with CH, makes things not worse but also not better. Side effect are bad for me as I feel constantly dizzy whole day, like a zombie. It did make me tired and I had difficulties to walk stairs because of the heartbeat that slowed down. Also my stomach had problems and lost appetite of foods. And in the end I quit Verapamil as the side effect were more awful then the med did it's work. Quitting made me feel better again and CH isn't getting worse so Verapamil didn't work for me. Oscar
Active/Lethal Dose Ratio and Dependency any drug.
Oscar posted a topic in Research & Scientific News
As we all probably know Clusterbusting CH or Migraine using psychoactive drugs isn't always accepted by family, friends and so on. What they often don't know is that using psychoactive drugs as Psilocybin, Seeds and LSD are less addictive then Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol. Most of the time these legal substances are accepted even when they cause so much trouble as for example alcohol. I found this picture that shows Active/Lethal dose ratio and dependence potential of psychoactive drugs that I want to share with you. If someone doesn't believe our substances/medicines aren't addictive or dangerous show them this useful info. -
I could imagine your worries CHfather about triggering a new CH. Glad your daughter is PF, you would keep that for sure. I'm wondering if you/she tried Passiflora ? My wife has often sleep problems, she keeps awake for hours till she felt in sleep. During the nights she is often awake. When she does use Passiflora before sleep she sleeps perfect without being awake constantly. She does use this for a couple of days till she sleeps again without Passiflora. After a while she will dose for some nights till everything turns to normal. It does not harm anything and it's rather cheap. English passiflora: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passiflora Dutch brand of Passiflora for sleep problems and unrest in the body: http://www.avogel.nl/webwinkel/producten/passiflora-forte-rustgevend-bij-stress-situaties.php Hope this is helpful. Oscar Update: I asked my wife and she told me she had better supplies these days. Avena sativa complex, english: http://www.revital.co.uk/Weleda_Avena_Sativa_Complex Dutch brand: http://www.avogel.nl/webwinkel/producten/avena_sativa_complex.php Also a good one: Dormeasan, http://www.avogel.co.uk/dormeasan/index.php
Hello Lynn, welcome on the board, as you can see you are not alone and help is very close to you now. I read your story and looked at the prescribed drugs from the doctors, seems pretty unusual for treating clusters. I sure can imagine that Zoloft is given, CH drives all people mad during the years. Every cluster is more evil as the past cycle. I am not a doctor but I should be very careful with trying shrooms or seeds whilst you were on Zoloft. It is very important that you detox the zoloft before using seeds or shrooms. Zoloft will interferer with any psychedelic drug. We have a lot of drugs boards in the Netherlands as it is no problem to talk about. There are also doctors that give people advise on these boards, very useful and full of information. I found an article about Zoloft and shrooms, maybe it is useful to you. Thanks to google translate, the article was Dutch: question: I use Zoloft for some time, now I have two questions, what is the interaction of zoloft and mushrooms? Zoloft and I can combine with LSA? answer: Your code was: LSA Dear questioner, Mushrooms have a stimulating and consciousness-changing effect on the central nervous system. People with mood disorders or depression may be better anyway not use mushrooms, not to mention possible interactions. Agents such as magic mushrooms trip to work on your feelings. If you're not good in yourself, you will quickly get a bad trip. Interactions are possible because both the two hallucinogens that you mention on the neurotransmitter serotonin or receptor for work, what Zoloft does. Users of these products report that a generally higher dose of the hallucinogenic needed, so the SSRIs block the effect a bit. Dangerous if you do it by shooting too high doses and with a bad trip as a result. There is a group of sensitive people who left with permanent effects of hallucinogens. If you can use drugs is likely to increase. Sincerely, Gerard Alder Dearest Doctor Brijder addiction Stopping Zoloft is not easy and many reports effects after a couple of weeks. It is stimulating serotonin levels in the brains like shrooms or seeds do. Be careful about yourself and maybe it isn't a bad idea to discuss this with your doctor. At least zoloft and seeds probably won't harm you but you sure want to get the best results with busting. Don't give up if you don't get relief from the first busting time. Many report also me that more busting attempts is needed. Be careful and good luck. Wish you some PF days ! Oscar
Scott I was thinking the same. I once read that the biological clock, the part where also CH is regulates the warmth in the human body. It does not only regulate the time of sleep but also your temperature. In my example I'm also sensitive to heat. This year's cycle I was warned without knowing it. A couple of weeks for my cycle starts my body feels constantly warm. During sleep my body get's even warmer. In those weeks I sleep very bad. When I'm in cycle I couldn't resist the heat. My body temperature is raising and CH is coming. I had a Acupuncture doctor who said my CH is caused by my body heat. He did remove the warmth and I did get better CH but it didn't turn away with acupuncture. Reason I think is that the biological clock regulates warmth back to abnormal. On the days that are warm I have more severe and longer attacks on days with less sun. I found this strange and didn't pay much attention to it as I didn't know for sure. Reading your post did make me think again. Oscar
Jennifer I can tell you Shrooms are illigal in the Netherlands but there are legal Psylocibin Truffles. As they are not fully grown Shrooms but grow beneath the sand they are legal. They work the same as shrooms and are availeble in 4 strains. http://www.sjamaan.com/en/1863_Magic_Truffles_-_Psilocybe_Atlantis_-_1_unit.html Oscar
Welcome to the board tomboy, as you can see there are many people around here that can help you with helping your aunt. This story makes me feel sad also whilest there is something that could help her very much. No one should suffer that much. CHfather does give you some good information. Hope she get's relief with that. As you can see you are not alone, there are always people here that can help you with your aunt. Wishing you and your aunt the best. Oscar
really really exausted...very little sleep in days
Oscar replied to zenchow's topic in General Board
Glad to read you got some PF nights and the busting really helps you. Busting can bring you on a low cycle. Just wait what happens after a couple of days. When things goes bad again it's time to bust again. Wait at least 5 days if you can. I'm happy for you you enjoyed the seeds and the trip. CH causes so much pain and bad life that we deserve it to at least enjoy our medicine. I always tried the best out of it and also my wife tried to be as good as possible for me to enjoy it. But be careful with tripping definitely if your trip with your wife, one has to be a babysitter as trips can go really bad. Please keep on posting your results. Wish you a lot of PF days Oscar -
If one of us need some luck these days! I'm so sorry to read about your parents, as Scott says I'm praying to for you and your family, hope thing will work out. Just paint the room of your daughter, she will be very happy with that for sure. Keep that in mind while you are painting. And if you get hit you say to yourself, I just finished the beautiful bedroom and my daughter will love it. Sometimes these things are just more important than getting hit, seems pretty easy to say for me Wish you luck and PF days ! Oscar
Fluoride is known to cause kidney problems by people who had problems allready with their kidneys. Also children and older people can get problems with their kidneys. I remembered Fluoride was discussed before here in the Netherlands. After reading your article here I thought what was it about the Fluoride. I found a Dutch article that says that America and Canada put Fluoride in the tap water. The reason is to prevent Dental caries. The reason had to do with bottled water, it contained Fluoride so they put it in the tapwater also. In 2008 the Netherlands and Belgium decide after a discussion that they will not put Fluoride in the tap water. So here the tap water is clean of Fluoride. Also there is a Fluoride warning for Children. Parents should be careful with toothpaste, they can't use to many, this has to be for a reason. "In sommige landen, met name Ierland, de Verenigde Staten en Canada wordt een deel van het drinkwater gefluorideerd. Anno 2008 wordt dit in Nederland en België na discussie niet meer gedaan. Het gebruik van fluoride ter voorkoming van cariës begon in Amerika in de dertiger jaren van de twintigste eeuw, toen de effecten merkbaar werden van onbedoelde fluoridering van bronwater door de zware industrie" Can be found: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoride Also Pineal Gland (in Dutch pijnappelklier ) is documented in one of the biggest news papers here. It said Fluoride could damage the Pineal Gland. Also it says it doens't make sense to ad Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste because countries that doesn't ad this had no better healths. There is some english ad on in this article. Also there are some video's in English addes in this newspaper. Seems Fluoride is one big discussion, is it good or not ? Here the Dutch article: http://www.vkblog.nl/bericht/204578
Bejeeb's CH medal of honor 'bonker' awards are in!
Oscar replied to Bejeeber's topic in General Board
I agree with bejeeber, it's just great there are such great people here on the board. Thank you very much for all your time to this board, it's highly appreciated !! Therefore: Regards, Oscar -
<slinking back in>I'm almost ashamed, but....
Oscar replied to DemetriaBeth's topic in General Board
Oscar, I would recommend not waiting until you're back in cycle (if you ever are) to get your oxygen set up. So many frustrating problems can occur during the set up phase (see some described in this document: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1299901790) that it's best not to have to deal with them while you're having headaches. Thanks CHfather for your great advise, very much appreciated. I'm now in such low cycle, just a couple of PF nights and when I get hit it's not higher as KIP5 for 15 minutes or less. I thought it would be to short and low KIP for O2. I was thinking I had a period of 3,5 years PF, I think but this could only be a thought that I get lucky for another 3,5 year but that is uncertain. I was planning to bust every 4 month's till I get hit again. You changed my mind, I will order the O2 and the mask on the CH site just to be prepared. Thank you for your great messages at this forum, for your inspiration, and for stepping in to help others. You are greatly appreciated. Thanks you very much for your kind words, you let me blush. I'm so great full that I found this website with the great people on it that give very much help to each other. Feels like a new family. When I'm in full cycle it's not hard to talk about and help others, I hope I can deal with that better after cycle. I'm not afraid anymore thanks to the Clusterbuster site. As I got so many great reactions and help it's a pleasure to help others. Like I said, feels like a big family here. Thank you to Ron for your kind words, you people here make me blush. It's also the people here that gave me a good feeling, seems this site has a lot of new friends with the same disease. As others help me so much It feels good if you can do something back to the community. When it's highly appreciated I feel very comfortable with that. This site and the people changed my life and I'm very happy with that, thanks !!!!! @DemetriaBeth, as you can see, you are not alone here Oscar -
really really exausted...very little sleep in days
Oscar replied to zenchow's topic in General Board
Wish you good luck with detoxing and busting. Remember, detoxing can be very hard but in the end if you are ready to bust and you finally get some relief you are a happy person Wish you good luck and PF days. -
<slinking back in>I'm almost ashamed, but....
Oscar replied to DemetriaBeth's topic in General Board
Welcome back to this great board. I recognize your problem as I didn't get O2 myself. In 2007 I was begging for Oxygen and didn't get it. In this year cycle I was begging for O2 again and I didn't get it. They put me on Prednisone en Imitrex injections but as I can't handle these meds because of the nasty side effects I quit my medicine and became a member of the Clusterbuster website. Here I found the information I needed so much. With some help and good advice from some members here I detoxed and busted my cycle to a lower level. As busting seems the only thing that help me I continued the busting till my cycle is over. I'm now getting great results but the beast is not gone, but I can handle it again. I visited the Neurologist past week and she ask how things are going. I said things are going well. She wondered if the Verapamil and Prednisone helped me. I said I refused to ingest these meds as I quit after one week with the most nasty side effects you can imagine. She advised me another drug but I didn't want to know anything about it and refused to get new meds. I said I was busting my CH and had great results. Well as soon as I said I clusterbuster my CH they could only say "this isn't good", it is a harmful drug and I couldn't do this. As I showed my results they won't believe this was caused by busting. It was just my cycle that almost ended. Well this was fine to me, they don't need to help me. As she knew I didn't want any other medicine then O2 she said maybe you have to try this. I said, the only thing I went to the hospital to visit her was for the oxygen. As she know I don't want anything else and I will continue busting she did give me O2. As my cycle is now such in low conditions I didn't order the oxygen yet. But I could call at anytime and O2 will be delivered to my house. So in the end this was for me the only way to get oxygen. Just had to say: hey I quit all meds you gave me and I clusterbust my cycle and need O2 with that. It looks like they first want to try all other medicines available before turning on O2. For me it looks like money is involved and not the patient needs. I hope this will be helpful to you. I don't say you have to say goodbye to the doctors but hey you are the boss of your own body !! Oscar -
As my doctor said to me this week my Red Bull use could cause me some heart attacks I now maybe need to switch to Monster Didn't see this one in the supermarket, we have just two types. Maybe this one is coming soon. @AO, does Monster have better results as Red Bull ? As I never tried this brand.
really really exausted...very little sleep in days
Oscar replied to zenchow's topic in General Board
Welcome to the board Zenchow. There are many people here that can help you. Maybe you can tell something more about yourself and your CH. Oscar -
Is there Anything else out their to stop This!!!!!
Oscar replied to jchange79's topic in General Board
Welcome to the board, I hope you will find the information here like I did. I did use Verapamil and that resulted in a everyday dizziness, I couldn't walk upstairs normally and had to rest first. Also the attacks were present during V, never did the dose the doctor said I had to use. Prednisone, did also not work for me, to much side effects and resulted in attacks that lasted longer so I quit also the prednisone. Imitrex injection causes rebound attacks and frequency is getting worse by using the nasty injections. You described pills, they also causes me bad side effect. As you can see most people on this board don't find good results in the meds our doctors described. Tingeling, seems doctors are all the same. I visited this week my doc, she said I had to use my Verapamil and Prednisone the same time. I said I couldn't handle both. I use clusterbuster and Red Bull. She said Red Bull causes me heart attacks. I had to use the meds in combination with imitrex. I said I could get heart attacks using Imitrex. Well she said my meds were far much dangerous. That I did have proof I had great result with clusterbuster she said my cycle is almost over, I said no because it does continue some weeks. Well at least I got O2 and she let me alone with clusterbusters, well that is fine -
Fundrasing/CB.com store thought/idea
Oscar replied to a topic in ClusterBuster Fund Raising Opportunities
Sounds like a wonderful idea to me I sure do like to buy some goodies as for example a coffee mug or T-Shirt would be very interesting. Wonder how a T-Shirt with CB.com will fit me -
Reading your story to success will make me smile :) Always good to see when people finally get some relief from the treatment. I'm very happy for you, hope your life will only be better and better from now on!!!! I'm still looking for airplane tickets, they are pretty expensive now. Would love to be at the conference so I keep looking for some cheap tickets and maybe I have some luck to meet you people at the conference. Oscar