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alleyoop last won the day on August 10 2016

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About alleyoop

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    Hiawassee, GA
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  1. I guess I am at the mercy of the scholarship committee. I don't have the funds to book early. The same is true with air fares. When will the scholarships be awarded? Thanks in advance, Bobb
  2. Austin was the venue for the Second Annual CB Conference, and one of my all time favorites! The BBQ and music scene are unparalleled!! Hopefully, I will find a way to be there again. Fun, Fun, Fun!!! bobb
  3. One that I didn't see mentioned that I took for four years was clomiphene citrate (Clomid). I do believe that it helped me go from chronic to episodic, but there are side effects. Dr. Todd Rozen wrote a paper a few years back after using it on a chronic CH patient. alley
  4. Potter, I would think that you realize by now that the "General Board" is public. We do not leave posts on the public boards that talk about busting. We have two private boards for those posts: "Share Your Busting Stories" and "Clusterbuster Files". Those two boards are where any posts talking about anything busting related are to be found. It was me who told spiny to move the post, so you're barking up the wrong tree. If you want the thread moved and pinned on the "Share Your Busting Stories" board, I will be glad to do so. But for obvious reasons, we will not leave it on the "General Board". Bobb
  5. Thanks J for reposting this. Sherri, in Dec, 2003, I applied for SSDI for my chronic CH. I was turned down, appealed, turned down again, appealed and after 3 1/2 yrs finally got a hearing in front of an ALJ, who ruled "fully favorable" on the spot. I had originally gone with one of the nationally advertised SSDI attorneys. After the second denial, I was dropped by this attorneys' office. I retained a local attorney who specialized in SSDI. That would be my recommendation to you. The local attorneys know most of the ALJs that you may draw, and if they have a reputation for only taking on solid cases, then that is a big plus. Hope this helps. alley
  6. Thanks Batch and Leslie!! Since I too, am feeling that old feeling like I'm about to go into cycle after 18 mos PF, I will be going to town tomorrow for some benadryl. bobb
  7. Maybe we should consider the possibility of holding the 2016 CB Conference at the La Bomba Shack in honor of Mark? Just a thought, although it is probably an impracticable one. R.I.P. Pinky.
  8. After not hearing from you for so long, it is indeed gratifying to know that you're still with us Fab. This board just lost one of our oldest and dearest members (Pink Shark Mark), which goes to show we never know when our number will come up. Be well Fab and please follow orders -- well maybe you can sneak by nurse Griselda every once in a while. Wishing you improving health and much happiness, Bob Bowling
  9. Sending healing prayers your way Fab.
  10. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1995/09/migraine-killer
  11. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1995/09/migraine-killer
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