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Everything posted by alleyoop

  1. alleyoop

    tune for you

    Man, I love your taste in music too Tommy! As must be apparent by now, I like just about all music. It all has its time and place. About the only genre I don't like is rap, hip-hop. But then, who said that is music?
  2. Analgesic effects of melatonin (abstract): http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-079X.2011.00895.x/abstract
  3. Truly inspiring story Alex! Thanks so much for sharing. Bob is nothing short of a saint. There's absolutely no telling how many people's lives he has saved. He is my hero! Bobb
  4. alleyoop

    tune for you

    I like your taste too bb.
  5. http://www.bioessays-journal.com/details/specialCollectionArticle/823169/Addiction_Decreased_reward_sensitivity_and_increased_expectation_sensitivity_con.html
  6. Scientists funded by Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen unveiled a $55 million computerized atlas of the human brain Tuesday, offering the first interactive research guide to the anatomy and genes that animate the mind. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703518704576258842075419366.html Allen Institute for Brain Science - gene search http://human.brain-map.org/ Wow!
  7. alleyoop

    tune for you

    I like your taste Brew.
  8. alleyoop

    tune for you

    Nice to know that Ron and I aren't the only old farts on this board.
  9. Thanks to Xeno for this: Psychedelic drug cuts brain blood flow and connections http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20358-psychedelic-drug-cuts-brain-blood-flow-and-connections.html
  10. alleyoop

    tune for you

    Not trying to trump you guys in age, but I just had to chime in: Jimi Hendrix, 1968 Atlanta Municipal Auditorium. I was 19, and it was a date for firsts, including actually hearing a guitar talk (I swear it wasn't the acid). ;D Later the same year, Janis Joplin West Palm Beach Pop Festival, and the list goes on...
  11. I would think that the changes come from both, the psychedelics and relief from the hell of ch. How could such organoleptic substances not have an effect on the psyche? Good observation Jeff!
  12. Jerry, I don't know whether or not shiitake would stop CH, but I doubt it. Did you realize that psilocybin mushrooms grow wild out of cow pods?
  13. I think this article from August, last year addresses this issue. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3101327/LSD-could-cure-depression.html
  14. As TV's Dr. House said, "LSD acts on serotonin receptors in the brain which can stop a migraine in its tracks" LSD, LSA & psilocybin, all, anecdotally will stop a migraine in its tracks.
  15. Thanks Doug. No prob (I always knew that I was a God anyway. ;D Am I self-centered, or is it just me? )
  16. Interesting... The Disaster in Japan: Utility of Melatonin in Providing Protection against Ionizing Radiation http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-079X.2011.00881.x/abstract
  17. No doubt Dan, and I for one, thank you for your courage. Thank God for that moment of sanity! Welcome to the ranks. That is just too f....ng cool!!!
  18. That is just too cool Lee Ann! My hat's off and many thanks to Dan and you! Bobb
  19. I think that steak from Texas, just like everything else from that state, just has more hormones. ;D
  20. Way to advocate for yourself Stevil! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
  21. Thanks for the update, and enjoy your steak.
  22. Well Dan, I'm dying to know......did they show up today?
  23. Thanks again Dan! Let us know how it goes please. bobb
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