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diamondmaker last won the day on July 31 2019

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    Ben Lomond, CA

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  1. Thanks for the info on SPGNB's... apparently this the newest cutting edge treatment according to the docs at Stanford. I just gotta laugh at what the so called "experts" are really doing with their research time. I would remove Stanford from the preferred list of doctors personally.
  2. Glad to see others looking at addictive behaviors differently... I have always thought it was that they were reacting to a natural instinctive response to their detecting "something is wrong"... trying to cure or compensate for some kind of problem/deficit, be it physical, mental, or social.
  3. Actually the theory is all about the chemicals (tryptan based psychedelics), and RC provides one of the better sources because it is better tolerated by the general public. I would encourage further exploration by your neighbor. After all, nobody has ever said MM was more successful than RC, in fact most would agree that the lack of "tripping" and other side effects makes it the preferred method of busters... migraines or otherwise.
  4. Now that shows sane government... like providing condoms to juniors... you wish it weren't necessary but reality is, you are saving lives by providing a way to get them unobstructed! Poor USA!
  5. Everything I have seen and heard goes to CH being random. Every study has insufficient numbers... and results that point to children having about as much chance of contracting the condition as anyone in the general public. About the twinge... I know every human alive gets twinges and strange sensations that are not medically explainable (at least not yet)... I remember as young as 5 getting alarmingly noticeable pains in my chest (heart area) and thinking something was wrong... but I am happy to say I am 56 and not one sign of heart problems and the like... and occasionally get the same "twinges". I hope this helps.
  6. Damn!... That is the kind of carpentry I only dream of! I only wish I were to share in the accomplishment.
  7. I think you are in a middle area, where shadows and the occasional hits are expected. This is not a exact science... meaning to say that your continued visits by the beast, being as diminished as they are, are sometimes the best that can be expected. There is no cure. You will find the substance and frequency that will give you maximum relief... and that may not be total relief. Be thankful of what you have found, and keep experimenting to find your own maximum relief level. Good to see you are doing better.
  8. Another example of why CHF is the master of info! Thank you!
  9. People don't march off into harms way behind just anybody Bob, thank you for your tireless work and dedication as well.
  10. Definitely sending best wishes, he helped me out when I needed it.
  11. As usual always interesting... >>A hyperactive habenula could cause people to make disproportionately negative predictions<< Or perhaps an imprint too strong... or over time too much to handle? PTSD anyone?
  12. That is so beautiful, everyone should have them...
  13. Hey Mox, I know the feeling... I had to miss a music party (bunch of musicians partying and jamming) and my sister was "you always want to go to these parties and jam???" My only response was that I was on edge and should not go out in public when I am liable to snap and rip someone's head off... she is the only one in my family that gets it! I chilled and meditated to get to a nice place for "Christmas" Happy holidays... may it always get better.
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