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  1. hu hu Dear fellow sufferers. I want to tell again, I am still without an attack. I wish you the best successes and longest pain -free times of all time. Best regards Ps: 24 months pain -free 98kg smoke and steam still
  2. Hello folks Happiness remains true to me. A few more days then I'm painless for 12 months And I weigh 92kg. 3 cigarettes a day and the rest is steamed. Pantoprazole is still in the drawer and sleeps. Greetings and pain free time
  3. I treated a hard reflux with soda. One to three knife tips a day. upon need. It lasted about a year. But I am cluster -free with the start of treatment with pantoprazole!? Pantoprazole should also have less than and change effects such as omeprazole Maybe you want to switch to Pantoprazole and tell us how your cluster develops? I wish many pain -free days
  4. I had a stomach ulcer. After taking pantoprazole, my cycle disappeared That's why I suspect a connection. Let me know how it goes on, with or without stomach protection in the future. liebe grüße
  5. what kind of stomach protection Do you take it? Since I suspect that this improvement comes from it.
  6. So far I can only say that I am lucky for five months. I'm waiting for it to continue testing it with the stomach protection. At the moment I smoke five cigarettes and about 10ml liquid with 10mg nicotine a day. Greetings and painless times without end
  7. Hallo Stop smoking, yes that is also very difficult for me. I also like to smoke in At the moment I smoke about 10-20 real cigarettes and mostly 5-10ml nicotine. When an attack comes I drink a coffee and smoke one before I breathe oxygen. Smoking after the attack probably triggers no new attack for me. Today one speaks of an intestine brain axis. I think the health of the intestine plays a major role in our problem. But I can't say more.
  8. just wanted to say. I had two days now with light shadows and have been pain-free since that's good 2 weeks. Without the intake of proton pump inhibitors, I would certainly have more attacks. The steam helps me to minimize my tobacco consumption very well. I wish you pain-free days
  9. Read the effect of VIT-D on the stomach. I'm sure, it's good for your stomach, you will be permanently painless. Unfortunately, I do not know yet as I could get a healthy stomach permanently.
  10. I also had 5 days without pain and shadows. A Christmas food then brings me back to the pain This is only the case if I want to bend the cycle with a nutritional change.
  11. These packaging remind me of my school time. All sorts of treats had been packed at a high price in it
  12. Hi yes E 600 - 605 Dust I only evaporate Orginal Liquids I do not try any attempts with extracts from tobacco plants :-) I realize a faster demolition with oxygen when I smoke a cigarette before. In this 5 minutes the pain is approaching and I can drink a half cup of coffee. I did not have any pain and shadows for 2 days now. 1 day a light shadow about 5 minutes, a cigarette a coffee and 5 trains on the e cigarette and he was gone. 1 day a moderate attack .. same procedure and then 5min oxygen. and no attack again tonight. if I would change my diet, I could cancel the cycle. However, I have to increase something again .. I had a weight of 87kg before the CH and now after 6 years I am at 74kg I think we are increasingly looking for our problem with the wrong brain. Does anyone know more about the intestine brain axis?
  13. Hi yes i mean Vaping :-) Currently, strong smoker I'm determined at 60 pieces a day. I use a 50/50 pg / VG 20mg nicotine salt solution without taste. First, I had to cough up but now it is very pleasant to smoke. Whether it triggers the attacks with me I can not say.. My neurologist (non-smoker) tries to try out smoking because he goes out in my case it could end the pain or improve a lot. At least he expresses me on my wish expressly only oxygen as long as my condition consistently during the cycles. When I hit at night,and I directly use oxygen.. I need longer to stop the hit. Therefore, I cook an instant coffee and just go smoking. After the cigarette, I go to the oxygen. I quickly pull about 4-6 bags full of 15l min and then put it on 6l min .. At 6l min, I hold the air until the bag would like to burst .. So I usually need 5min to cancel. In the first year I could only bend the cycle with Magnesium! The 2 year was a lot more tough. D3 Level is with me at about 90 .. so quite good and it does not help perfectly Since yesterday I still steam and take Pantoprazole again. This night was wonderful. I still believe it is on the stomach. I will report. Best regards
  14. Hello Does one of you have experiences with the steam of nicotine? I am a strong smoker and possibly thought the pain was positively influenced with the steam of nicotine solution. For an attempt I now have a 20mg nicotine solution. Tonight I'll test it if it hurts me. The pain is back with me since 22.01. However, me now hurts the other side of my head Oxygen works very well as before. Best regards
  15. The ketosis goes another way like me, which in turn says it's more on the stomach like the food itself! Which way you reliably remain to you. My consideration with this food deletes it. to process all nutrients immediately and not to host by poor digestion in the colon. It works very well. Ketosis should not be carried out without medical assistance!? I have forgotten to say. I eat over the day distributes a pack of salt bars. A variety with little salt, since I like salt bars I like the salt because of the salt. Always after smoking, in traffic at stress etc .. Did you try it?
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