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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Aww jeeb thank you. I know there is no solid answer to my question and I so appreciate you being so kind. I just revert to my old scared self from time to time and your words were just what I needed. I had a few spikes today and just got scared. I dislike how I allow it to shut me down and I'm working on that. Thank you for the positive influx..
  2. Nicely said Darren. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me..
  3. Thank you @Darren I suppose I'm just trying to keep trying.. if that makes any sense at all..I get tired just like we all do and hope is sacred. I wish this affliction was more like math but it's simply not. Math was never my good subject but at least it has set rules.. uff anyhow thanks for the well wishes.
  4. Just wondering if there is any way to know weather or not a cycle that you somehow bypassed will stay gone for one’s normal clear time? I am trying to figure out the best way to articulate my question and all I can think to do is a quick outline. Normal cycle start: Late July or early August Normal cycle end: Mid- October early November Normal cycle experience: One to two attacks per day lasting from two to four hours with no more than two days attack free This year: One major 4.5/hr. attack July 3rd and two minor nocturnal attacks sometime prior My thoughts & concerns: I have a hard time believing that I have gone into cycle this year but am unsure if it has just been milder because of the “Full Monte Regimen” and occasional dosing? I am really hoping that I have not somehow inadvertently changed my cycle times to winter months (is that even possible)? My root question: Can I somewhat still expect to be clear in my normal clear time if i havent really had a true cycle? I know this post is sort of hard to follow as I couldn’t really think of a better way to communicate my question. If anyone manages to get through reading this, I sure would appreciate some feed back from anyone who has experienced something like this.
  5. @Shaun brearleyI did not mean to drift the topic and just wanted to say that I'm really happy your girl is doing so well! I'm so glad that she is moving out of the hospital setting and into what sounds like a great facility to continue her recovery! Much respect to you and yours!
  6. LOL Jon...I'm special and I know it Na I usually am using windows 10 when on here but do post from my droid sometimes.. Now that you mention it, most my double posts happen when using my phone...
  7. It's no biggie but I do find it odd.. Sure hope he stays safe!
  8. Last I checked, I was allowed to have as many reactions in a day as I pleased... What is the reason behind "running out of reactions" anyhow? Well I'm reacting anyway gosh darn it. Jon I bestow upon your last post a HAHA!
  9. Been waiting to see what image Jon would come up with 2
  10. Flat out amazing! Her smile almost made my eyes sweat!! So happy to see this miracle
  11. Seriously trying not to overthink this..check 5 of the 7. But then again I could just be getting old minus the hyper flexability and constipation...
  12. If it works it works and that's what counts. So happy to hear you're feeling better!
  13. I do have to say though... When I think of the "Cluster Bunny" it looks a bit more like this....
  14. True indeed. And now that I'm thinking of it, I don't think the VNS is available here and comes with some sort of subscription? I'll check it out but may pass on it since other efforts are working for now. I would like to try growing because it looks fun and I would love an extra back up but I can't buy here in CA from most of the places that I found seemingly good kits?
  15. I seriously wasent trying to down play or make fun of vagus nerve stimulation. I was just being me. I've tried the cfaly and I like the distraction. It hurts a bit but nothing like an attack...then again it's been none other than a very expensive distraction. I'll purchase the vagus nerve stimulating mechanism but doubt it will do much more than my Sonicare toothbrush.
  16. No but I sure have done a bunch of cursing along with some unspecified sounds
  17. That would at least make some sense! Good observation @CHfather
  18. I would be interested to know what this PCP believes is effective for CH????
  19. Thank you for the reply and yea I have read enough posts on here to somewhat conclude that COVID somehow (either by depleting the system or just beating the body up) seems to open the door to CH.
  20. Hi Sparklergirl, Did you have COVID prior to the vax or just after? I'm just curious because if you did not have it prior then it could be possible that the vax weakened your immune system making you actually more susceptible. I know it's nuts to think that a vaccine meant to prevent and protect us could backfire in such a way Anyway I hope your cycle ends sooner than later!
  21. I suppose it's odd to many "the want of meeting a fellow cluster head". I think in many ways it's like a child with a deformity meeting someone with a similar deformation for the first time. Seeing that your not the only one. In some ways, I think this gives us strength in knowing that someone else is carrying the same load that we are and that they too are navigating through rough waters. At times I have felt guilty for this want, as it would mean that someone out there was as miserable as me at times. Finding this place has given me eyes that see others like me and that has made a huge difference.
  22. One of my warning signs is opposite side pain. The pain varies from spike like pain that mimics my cluster pain to a burning sensation that makes my skin crawl. I've never had a full on switch of sides but definitely opposite side cluster related pain. I'm a rt sided banger but i suppose it’s my diplomatic side wanting to be fair...
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