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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Uff... It's always sad to see a Dr. being dismissive but unfortunately not surprising We are our best advocate when it comes to our health so I'm glad you are following up!
  2. Wow this sounds down right awful! I can't say that I have experienced any of the symptoms but am curious if they ran any type of tests while at the hospital? These symptoms certainly seem to warrant some testing? The inability to speak or control your eyes and body parts sound a bit stroke like..
  3. Darn it @spiny how in the world are you ever gonna manage getting mad at that face!
  4. Here is Abby's mom Lacy.. She loved pretending she was a snow plow..
  5. Oh come on this guy is so cute!
  6. Sounds about rt Makes sense that the mom would need to be the larger of the 2. Our fist lab (Abby Doo's mom) decided to try "it" just once at an older age 7. And well once was all it took... She only had 2 pups but they had to be removed because they got to big with all that nutrients to just the two of them.. I can see how a large breed in a small mom may not work out...
  7. Italian swoop maneuver! Sounds about rt
  8. I love appys but yes it was a personality nickname
  9. Wait... so how is that even possible.. well I know how it works lol but did one get low or the other have the hops??
  10. Nite CH family.. jeeb keep your face on k....xo take it off if needs be. 8:45 here in wonderland must sleep. Xoxo
  11. Greyhuahua..again a breed I have never heard of! That does it my mare is a assamuchkin... salty at times but sweet 2?
  12. Oh goodness she is beyond precious!
  13. She killed blue eyes for me forever! Now when I see a blue eyed horse I instantly think "CRAZY"..
  14. Sis on a good girl day... 20190416_174101.mp4
  15. The evil Princess. Now with new owner...
  16. Here is my senior lab Abby Doo
  17. I just laughed out loud thinking of how this thread could now be re-named "Show me your Kitty's" or "Show me your Pooch"
  18. Never even heard of a Shipoo but they sure are cute!
  19. Glad you did @Shaun brearley! Your pups are beautiful! What is the breed?
  20. I always have time for animal chat! CH is as serious as it gets so diversions are always welcome! I spend entirely 2 much time thinking of when my brain will try and kill me next so thanks for sharing the pictures I really enjoyed them. Especially the one with both kitty's snuggled up
  21. I have been wanting to see up close picks of your new fur baby! He is a stunner! I have always loved the Russian Blue and initially thought if I were to get a playmate for Bosco that I would get a Blue. Turns out Bosco is a one-man-band and just doesn't get along with anyone... Aww the horse memories that story brought back.. Glad you still have two peepers!
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