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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. No but I sure have done a bunch of cursing along with some unspecified sounds
  2. That would at least make some sense! Good observation @CHfather
  3. I would be interested to know what this PCP believes is effective for CH????
  4. Thank you for the reply and yea I have read enough posts on here to somewhat conclude that COVID somehow (either by depleting the system or just beating the body up) seems to open the door to CH.
  5. Hi Sparklergirl, Did you have COVID prior to the vax or just after? I'm just curious because if you did not have it prior then it could be possible that the vax weakened your immune system making you actually more susceptible. I know it's nuts to think that a vaccine meant to prevent and protect us could backfire in such a way Anyway I hope your cycle ends sooner than later!
  6. I suppose it's odd to many "the want of meeting a fellow cluster head". I think in many ways it's like a child with a deformity meeting someone with a similar deformation for the first time. Seeing that your not the only one. In some ways, I think this gives us strength in knowing that someone else is carrying the same load that we are and that they too are navigating through rough waters. At times I have felt guilty for this want, as it would mean that someone out there was as miserable as me at times. Finding this place has given me eyes that see others like me and that has made a huge difference.
  7. One of my warning signs is opposite side pain. The pain varies from spike like pain that mimics my cluster pain to a burning sensation that makes my skin crawl. I've never had a full on switch of sides but definitely opposite side cluster related pain. I'm a rt sided banger but i suppose it’s my diplomatic side wanting to be fair...
  8. You might try the drops so you can take them sublingual style for better absorbing. Just an idea...
  9. I'm glad your going to check out the full Monte. I'm so sorry about the nocturnal hits and I can't speak much 2 them as I've only had 2 short lived attacks during sleep. Both were warded off with o2 and some coffee but I sure don't wish night hits on anyone (I thrive off of sleep).. and feel like it plays a huge part in health. Just don't give in or up.. carry this as long as possible because life is a gift!
  10. Hi Snowflake, I know you addresses this to Batch and hopefully he will see your question soon. I just wanted to tell you not to give up on the D3 regimen just yet. I started with the original D3 reg as provided by Batch but had to start doing the "full monte" form of the reg that adds in a few extra supplements and increases dosage levels of some supplements for certain durations of time. The original D3 protocol really helped to tamper down the intensity levels of the hits but I never reached cessation unless out of cycle. I had to increase the levels of quercetin to 2,000 mg a day along with 2,000 mg of curcumin, 2,000 mg of resveratrol and 200 mcg of super selenium complex & vitamin E. I had already been on the COQ10, so I just kept doing that. What I’m saying is that you need to keep tweaking the protocol until you find what your body requires. I have had so few CH attacks in the past 8-almost 9 months now that I am still in awe of these natural supplements. I have also been doing RC seeds every 3 to 4 weeks or directly after a hit but I tend to feel like the supplements are doing the majority and just get an added boost with the RC on a maintenance level. Keep working on it and hang in there! Quick Edit: I forgot to mention that prior to this regimen, I had only ever gotten 3 to 4 months off ever!
  11. It's pretty darn interesting makes me think about micro dosing just for health purposes.. And yea I'm not a huge fan of the interviewer but Paul is a pretty cool dude..
  12. I found this pod cast to be super interesting! I know not everyone is a Joe Rogan fan but what Paul has to say about micro dosing, macro dosing and analogs was really interesting!
  13. I wish! It's a bit hard to get away owning and operate a small business. Even our minimal trips to our Truckee home require us to take work with us. Shoot now that I'm recalling it, my hubby worked on our honey moon I'm not complaining as we have been blessed to have so many projects even during an economic downturn.. I remember 2008-2009 when we had to lay people off and that was awful. I have never met a fellow cluster head and often wonder what it would be like to finally meet someone in person as bat shit crazy as me
  14. I would love to go but it's around 31 hours away from me via car Sure would be neat to meet the ever elusive CH species...
  15. Sure pulling for ya. CH is no fun at all. I hope your oxygen arrives with a quickness! Stay strong!
  16. I'm not big on the taste of ginger but it works pretty well for shadows and to some degree I think it helps keep the cluster bunny at bay with higher doses (2,000 mg or so). I use this product on a daily basis, two 500mg am. and two 500mg pm. I eat a keto friendly yogurt prior to the am dose as they are a bit hard on the stomach. You should be able to pick this up at a local supplement shop or at least something comparable.
  17. You must feel so good to see her awake and alert even a little smile on her face!
  18. I don't quite understand this question? Cause tolerance to what? I understand that anxt can be caused from not being on it, if it's helping you stay pain free but I'm unsure what you mean...
  19. Long and hard for sure. Doable with love, passion and persistence indeed! You have been there with her since day one and will see the reward when she walks out of there. Daily prayers for you and yours.
  20. Strong willed just like her Dad! Yes bless her
  21. At least she is out of the "critical stage" and shoot I can't blame her on the feeding tube. I like to taste my food! I've been thinking of you and her and am happy there is some positive progress!
  22. These were the few threads that I was speaking about in my first response to this thread. I honestly do not think that it is just COVID that can cause an onset of CH, but more so any illness that depletes your system. Both my husband and I had COVID a while back and it did not trigger a cycle for me. I am uncertain if that is due to the fact that I had been on the D3 regimen for quite some time prior to contracting it so maybe my levels did not get depleted as badly and I got through it in about five days. My husband was another story. He is not good about taking supplements (unless I serve them to him) and no he is not a cluster head but he was down for nearly 2-weeks with terrible headaches, fever and body aches. All this is just my opinion and we all know what that counts for
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