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Covid caused cluster HELP


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I am writing this at 2:30 am. My eye is bright red and has been for 8 hours…no full blown attack yet. I tested positive for covid. I NEVER have headaches in December. I have jynxed myself after how far I’d come. I was pain free for months. I’m very upset. 

has covid caused a cycle for anyone else? I have one 02 tank left…insurance not active til Jan 1…can’t bust til Tuesday. Very scared 

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Red eye still there this morning without a full attack…I had bad shadows all night, but that could be from covid?? Anyone have any answers what this could be. I really can’t believe I can’t bust until Tuesday. Should I increase my verapamil by 80 mg? I am already on 240

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It sounds like maybe you don't have actual covid symptoms (yet anyway)?

I'm just kind of flapping gums to here to keep this topic top-of-list, as there are folks here who are definitely better qualified to respond, but meantime I can imagine the covid kicking up CH symptoms, much like allergies, etc. are reputed to, and I believe I've seen talk of upping the D3 in response in such circumstances.



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  On 12/17/2022 at 7:30 AM, kat_92 said:

has covid caused a cycle for anyone else?


Hey Kat,

I've had COVID and the Flu bug. COVID was more mild for me than this recent flu which did cause me to start spiking out. I had thought that I was increasing my D3 but made the mistake of pulling from the wrong bottle. Once I "actually" increased my D they stopped. I would definitely suggest an increase like @Bejeeber mentioned and since you are sick I would up my zinc and C. Hope you get better soon!! 

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I think you should cease drinking shots of Red Eye whiskey immediately, because alcohol is a trigger.

Sorry, you were talking about a literal red eye. All I can say is I get the 'watery eye' without the pain on semi-regular occasions, and I interpret it as low level CH that hasn't gone full cluster bunny (I also get a version that is accompanied by low level pain sometimes when shadowy). 



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Since we're talking D3 here, you might want to consider the anti-inflammatory "full monty" that Batch has recommended in critical situations:

QUOTING HERE FROM A POST BY BATCH:  "The Antihistamine Full Monty is a collection of supplements with antihistamine properties that include 3 grams/day each of Turmeric (Curcumin), Resveratrol, Quercetin and Omega-3 fatty acids.  It also includes 200 mcg/day Selenium, 8 grams/day vitamin C and 10 mg/day Melatonin taken at bed time. 

I buy the bulk powdered vitamin C in 1 Kg bags and stir 2 level teaspoon measures in 8 ounces of water and take sips all day until it's gone by bedtime.  This is the least expensive form of vitamin C and dosing throughout the day is best as our kidneys filter vitamin C rapidly.

I realize this is a boatload of pills to take, but the Full Monty is proving to be very effective in achieving a CH pain free response.  Most CHers respond to the Antihistamine Full Monty during the first week.  When you've experienced a sustained CH pain free response for at least a week, you can lower the dose of the first four supplements to 2 grams/day.  I'd stay at that dose for at least two weeks then taper the dose down to 1 gram a day.  You can skip the selenium and melatonin at that point, but I'd still take at least 4 grams/day vitamin C as it's so important for good health."

Back to me:  Red eyes are definitely a possible Covid symptom.  You can just google [covid red eye] and see plenty of reports about that.  And severe headaches are also a common Covid symptom.  So it could be that that is what this is all about (fingers crossed).  I'd be careful about increasing your verapamil, for three reasons (these are not hugely strong reasons, so you might decide to do it anyway, but maybe they are worth considering). (1) it's generally not considered a good idea to increase verap dosage without a doctor's involvement; (2) while that level might not, or even probably wouldn't, affect busting, the lower the better just for better assurance of full busting results; (3) as with point (1), it's my general understanding that it might not be wise to go up a notch on verap dosage and then go down when the crisis has passed. 

Could you do a SPUT (small piece under the tongue) if you get hit, or even as a possible preventive?  It's my understanding that one SPUT, just a pinch of MM, can stop or reduce an attack but won't interfere with an upcoming bust.  That could also be a chance you don't want to take, so I'm just throwing it out.

Edited by CHfather
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  On 12/17/2022 at 8:23 PM, kat_92 said:

@BoscoPikoworking on it now. Any thoughts on my red eye? 


Could be just that your CH is aggravated by being sick especially if its the eye on your CH side but other than that I'm not sure. I suppose it could be a symptom of COVID. I read something that said 1% - 3% of people with COVID can develop conjunctivitis? 

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thank you so much for the response. I have turmeric pills on hand that I can start using ASAP. I won’t increase my verap I don’t think it’s a good idea. I also recall a higher dose a few months ago making me so tired. I wouldn’t want it to interfere with my busy. I also have melatonin and Benadryl. Should probably take either one at bedtime. I have been so sick for a week now so it’s just hard to tell if it’s clusters or headache from covid. The red eye has me very concerned. It’s lasted over 24 hours now. @BoscoPikoi also read that online. But I do not have any other conjunctivitis symptoms (nothing gross coming from my eye). Feeling mostly tired today because I didn’t sleep much. Looking forward to busting on Tuesday. 

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