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Virgin buster


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Hello everyone.

New 'clusterhead' here. I've been suffering for 6 years. I had a Kip 9 brainbreaker a month ago that made me look for information online, and I've been lurking for a few weeks. Never imagined this support network existed.

I'm chronic with 2x daily kip 7 in the morning and a kip 4.5 at night. Every day. I had one remission of 60 days, three years ago. I've been through Sumatriptan, Verapimil, and Prednisone treatments with no long-term luck. Prednisone works for one week with very high dose, then things return to normal. Ugh, 'normal,' I wish.

I am very pleased to report the fruiting of my Ecuadorian BRF cakes. I expect to have my first 'bust' this weekend or next week. I can't wait. Every time I read a success story, I get a little amped. Thank you all for all the great information! Wish me luck.

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Sounds like you're about to slam this beast with a crushing wallop that'll likely make him start thinking twice before he comes to visit again.

And that's a good thing! Best of luck with the BRF!

Will you be pretty much detoxed from the drugs for 5 days or more before you take your vitamin M?  :)

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Good luck busting. Read as much as you can about the process beforehand. You want to be as clean of other drugs as possible to assure the best results. If you're inexperienced with the shrooms, start with about 1.5g cracker-dry. Your shrooms are 90% water so your dose might require more fresh shrooms than you expect. Stick around to ask questions and please report back on your bust. Welcome to the forum.


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Will you be pretty much detoxed from the drugs for 5 days or more before you take your vitamin M?  :)

I haven't taken anything for 2 weeks now besides ibuprofen. Should I abstain from that as well?

Thanks for the well wishes.

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Hey Bradg

Good Luck... I did my first bust a couple of weeks ago and was pretty amped myself for successful results... apparently there's some kind of jinx that will be cast upon me if I brag about the fact that it worked. So, I won't say I've been HA free for 4 days now after my 2nd. dose. The Guys offered a couple of ways to prepare the shrooms under my post of New Guy In Town... I'm going for my 3rd. next week just to spank it into Nevereverland. Let us know how it goes....Dave

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking for good news here. Where is it?

It may take two or three doses spaced a week apart. It took three for me over a year ago. I am going on my third month without a screamer. My last dose was march 25 th.  Only a few hits here and there. Relatively perfect!!!,

Hang in there new guy. Give it your best shot.  It will save your life and your sanity...I speak for myself...it did for me.


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I'm very, very, (did I mention VERY) pleased to report a significant decline in the severity AND frequency of my clusters! I busted a week ago today with 2-3g dried. I don't know what else to say!

I had a kip 2 last friday (4 days after dose), and the same yesterday, NOTHING today, and I plan on busting again this weekend to get rid of the shadows. Maybe I'll get out the old Pink Floyd vinyls. :)

I cannot CANNOT say how happy I am. I forgot what life is like!

Thank you thank you all for this resource. ;D

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Giggly, huh? How could you not be? That's such good news, Brad. So happy for you. There's a lot of information here that you'll find interesting. The ClusterBuster Files in particular contain a wealth of busting info. Good luck to you. Glad you found us.


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