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Headache Treatment Protocol Update


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I've finally completed the update to the Anti-Inflammatory Regimen - Cluster and Migraine Headache Treatment Protocol.  I've titled the update "Quick Start Guide" as it streamlines the process of starting this treatment protocol.

Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki.com, was kind enough to publish the Quick Start Guide on VitaminDWiki. This VitaminDWiki web page is titled:

Cluster and Migraine headache treatment protocol - Sept 2023

Short URL = https://is.gd/cluster2023

The download link for CHers and Migraineurs who want a pdf copy they can send to others = 

http://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=20148&page=Cluster and Migraine headache treatment protocol - Sept 2023&download=y

You can also download a copy by going to the Attached Files section of this web page and click on the following link:

Quick Start Guide - Sept 2023.pdf

The goals of this update include an improved response rate among CHers, Migraineurs and a surprising number of CHers who also suffer from migraine headaches.  To meet these goals, this update now includes provisions for two or more vitamin D3 loading schedules with higher vitamin D3 maintenance doses and higher 25(OH)D3 serum concentrations.  (Note, multiple loading schedules should be done under a physician's supervision with assays for serum 25(OH)D3, calcium and PTH following each loading schedule to ensure calcium and PTH remain within their normal reference ranges). 

The following chart illustrates this can be accomplished safely without driving serum calcium or PTH out of their respective normal reference ranges.  As you can see from this graphic, serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations are a very poor indication of vitamin D3 toxicity.


This update also includes a collection of supplements I call the Antihistamine Full Monty as there are a lot of them and these supplements have antihistamine properties.  Many of these supplements are also frequently found in migraine treatments. 

Once you've followed the Quick Start Guide for at least 30 days, please feel free to comment in this thread and do take the listed survey.

Take care,

V/R, Batch, a.k.a. XXX

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  • Bejeeber changed the title to Headache Treatment Prototocol Update

Yes, there are problems with some of the links.  Not sure why.

The short URL link is working.  Short URL = https://is.gd/cluster2023

You can find the rest of the links there.

Try this download link

http://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=20148&page=Cluster and Migraine headache treatment protocol - Sept 2023&download=y

Take care,

V/R, Batch

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  • Bejeeber changed the title to Headache Treatment Protocol Update
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  • 4 weeks later...

Many of you have contacted me regarding the Methyl Folate +.  It appears One Elevated is no longer offering this supplement.  I've done some checking for Methylated B-Complex with similar strength to the One Elevated product and came up with three options from Amazon.  All three have a serving size of two capsules.  However, one capsule a day comes very close to the One Elevated strength for a single capsule.  Please let me know if any of you have any problems with any of these three Methylated B-Complex products.  I intend to try all three.

Tale care,

V/R, Batch


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Thank you @xxx, regarding the One Elevated Methyl Folate +, I did contact them last week and this was the response...

"There have been a couple of logistical obstacles with Amazon, which we are on. We are hoping to have our Methyl folate available within the next month."

Maybe it'll be back soon - but in the mean time, appreciate the suggested substitutes.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Batch,

Been an episodic Ch'er since I was 18. 28 years old now. Started the d3 regimen that was posted here in 2016 as well as Verapamil and never waivered. I get my episodes every year or two for about 3-7 weeks. As people have noted before, the episodes seem to get longer and more intense as I age. Currently in one of my most aggressive episodes with a record of 27 attacks in one day using O2 and triptans as needed. 

I got a blood test after increasing my d3 dose to 20,000 iu a day and my total came out to 116 ng/mL. My calcium levels are in the green. Unfortunately I forgot to request PTH results. Do you think I should increase my daily d3 intake to reach above 150 ng/mL? Was nervous about taking 100,000 iu a day based on already being on 10,000 iu for years. 

Another question about d3, is it okay to be substantially higher as long as my calcium levels are in the green?

Also on the anti-histamine regimen and full keto diet. 

Thanks for all your help. 



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8 hours ago, Violakid said:

Hi @Violakidyou may have better results with regard to @xxx responding if you pm him or use the above method of mentioning him so that he at least receives a notification. I'm sorry you're having a rough time at the moment and if it were me I would increase my D3 during a hostile attack. I've had to stay at around 30,000 iu for a bit now to keep them at bay. prayres for you!



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