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** Totally FREE & effective cure found **

no more clusters

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Hello fellow cluster sufferers,

I have been a cluster headache sufferer for the past 15 years, have spent a lot of money on different treatments including acupuncture, reiki, shiatsu and different types of massage. I even experimented with cutting out certain types of foods from my diet (dairy, meat, chocloate, caffeine) and have not touched a drop of alcohol in 3 years - but none of this helped my clusters. Oh yeah, I tried the shrooms technique, but that also had no effect for me.

The episodes I have experienced over the years have luckily been quite short ones - I would only suffer during the months of Sept, Oct and November every year but the clusters themselves would get me at least twice a day most days during this time.

This year I have found a totally free way of living cluster free and I discovered it by doing a form of meditation called Vipassana. I'm not here however to preach the benefits of meditation to you - but instead to explain a very simple technique that have put an end to my clusters.

The meditation technique was all about 'observing' yourself - in minute detail. What I observed was that every time I was about to get a cluster, I had been tensing the muscles in the right side of my face, especially the ones around my right eye. A mirror is very helpful when looking for this evidence. The muscles under my right eye would be tense, this would lift my right eyebrow up and when I saw this, I knew I was on my way for the dreaded cluster! What I do now (very simply) is during these months, I keep a watchful eye on these muscles and on the eyebrow. If I start to feel any tensions in this area of my face, I simply relax that area and drop my eyebrow down again. The result - NO MORE CLUSTERS.

I realise this is the first year I have experienced relief and things may change, but I just wanted to share this with you all. Clusters are terrible things and this cure is totally free and seems 100% effective.

Oh, and I cannot recommend Vipassana meditation enough.

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slam some botox into that shit....wont even have to think about being able to raise your eyebrow! 

Hey....I KNOW I have aborted a CH MENTALLY!!...but its a dangerous practise..cause when it doesn't abort I've let the beast in too deep....and its hard to catch up, as we all know


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Hey....I KNOW I have aborted a CH MENTALLY!!...but its a dangerous practise..cause when it doesn't abort I've let the beast in too deep....and its hard to catch up, as we all know

Agree completely.  Although sometimes they just let up, so who knows what has really worked, eh?  I will say the other day I had a rough one that got toned down by intranasal Ketamine-but not gone.  Dosed up 3 times, each time almost gone but not quite.  Dosed again, but this time sat and meditated quietly, and the result was complete pain relief.  I think this type of action might be quite helpful to lower amounts of drugs taken....Whatever they are.

Clusters are terrible things and this cure is totally free and seems 100% effective.

I am really glad you have found relief, BUT... This is a sure fire way to get everybody real pissed off.  When you come on with your first post telling people that this is a free cure that is 100% effective....This might be true for you, but I doubt it's true for everyone.   I would love to know how this is going to work for the people that get woken up in the middle of the night with a raging cluster.  Are they going to stay up all night paying attention to how tense their eyebrow is?  And what about chronics?  Do you just stare in a mirror all day?  I think meditation is a great idea, I think being aware of how your body is feeling and the tenseness of your entire self is a major tool, and I would encourage everyone to try it....But I wouldn't get your hopes up on it curing your clusters...Just my 2 cents.

I think it would help a lot if you explained a bit about your condition and diagnosis, including what has worked for you (anything besides your meditative practice?) and what hasn't.  Most of all, introduce yourself without telling us right up front your going to cure us--I hope you understand that we get people weekly on this board telling us the same thing, and besides Bob's ideas on hallucinogens, not much has seemed to pan out.

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Well said, Ricardo. I am curious about biofeedback, as well.  With a little discipline and practice with this technique, we should be able to relieve several types of headaches (not totally sure about CH) and even eliminate certain addictions (smoking, over-eating, etc.),  I have only glazed over it and the machines involved, but it sounds promising and I fully intend to research it further.

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Watching my son, it's hard not to believe that increasing tension of the muscles surrounding his eye on the CH side herald the beginning of spike. Vipassana meditation applied to a CH would involve only a constant awareness of that increasing tension with no attempt to relax those muscles. Hard to see much benefit in that, at least so far as CH is concerned.

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