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My RC Seeds arrived today..


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But I can't take them until the 16th. That'll give me 5 clear days after I'm off Topiramate and will be sufficiently detoxed.

I ordered 4 packs, which is 200+ seeds. So should give me enough to trial for a few weeks. My plan is to start with 35 seeds on the 16th, as my body can be quite sensitive to things sometimes. And at other times, I need to double meds. So it all depends. But, best to start on the side of caution. Thankfully, I'm not working much over Christmas, so will be able to adjust the dose every 5-6 days.

I presume I should store them in a dark, cool place?

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I presume I should store them in a dark, cool place?

Hi Renee,

I've heard just recently that a good dark, cool place to store them is in the refrigerator. I don't how I went years and years ordering and then storing RC for months at a time in kitchen cabinets without that occurring to me.  :D

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  • 1 month later...

Good morning, im the new guy who posted his history under the alcohol thread. Did ten days of prednisone with 360 verapamil that was over about two weeks ago. tapered down my verapamil a week ago to 240.

No shadows at all got hit at 950 last night (while listening to obama) went to bed with 02 sound asleep got wacked at midnight, sound asleep got wacked at 2am. 02 cleaned all these up rather hastily. So this was the first attack since 3 jan ive got 100 rc seeds as per documented instructions (ten to fifteen) im trying tonight.

Am scheduled to ski today so im throwing the 02 in the truck and am leaving the imitrex home, have not done imetrex since the third. I will buy some energy drinks today, have never tried or bought them.


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Jon, unless you're very nervous about even a very small possible psychedelic experience, I'd say you ought to start with more seeds than 10-15.  30 would be more likely to help you, and would almost certainly have no psychedelic effect.  The problem with taking too few seeds is that you get no benefit, but you still have to wait 5 days before your next dose.   

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Hi again Jon

I should receive my RC seeds tomorrow or Friday, welll I really hope I will, and after reading other posts about it, I was planning to start with 100 seeds, for I don't fear side effects and I figure a larger dose is more likely to be effective. I posted about this on the thread "detox verapamil..." and I suppose I will get answers.

Since being meds free Monday, I don't really try to sleep, just an hour here and there... well I'm presently unemployed so it's easier to do that.

Referring to your first posts, I'm also new to this board, and the first time I had seen it in 2007 (well the CH.com), I also felt a déjà vu effect, so strong that I didn't stay very long and registred only last week. But now I can't believe I stayed away from it so long, would it be only for the support and finally finding people who can understand, but there is a lot more to it

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Hi Jon,

Feel free to PM me if you think I could help. RC seeds are safe, legal and effective. But, you have to take enough of them and you have to prepare them correctly. 10-15 seeds won't do you any good and will only delay your trial of them for 5 more days. If you want to take just enough to see what psychological effects they have, 10-15 seeds won't do that either. Why don't you try 30 seeds. It's a small enough amount that if you do have some sort of adverse reaction to them, you won't be frightened or harmed yet it's enough that you have a good chance of busting as well. Wait 5 days between doses. Increase the dose by 20-30 seeds each time until you've either found some relief or find yourself taking upwards of 150 seeds. Good luck! Keep us posted.


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Hi Jon,

What Ron said, plus... I started with 30 seeds, and noticed very mild side-affects, mostly I got very sleepy for an hour or so. My second bust, I used 50 seeds, and the side affect didn't get any worse. Then I busted with 40 seeds, and last night again with 50. It seems to be making a difference to my clusters, in a positive way. I've now gone 10 days cluster free, which is amazing for me.

Also, last night's bust with 50 seeds, barely noticed I took anything at all.


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Thank you to all. Did 30 last night slept well. was doing great till about ten minutes ago got stressed out by doing 2011 final tax and withholding for employees. slight shadows. Gona get outside and start sawing some firewood for feb. Gona order more seeds :)


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Don't be surprised if you get a few slap backs in the first 48 hours or so after busting. Especially at the start. With my early busts, I would get hit pretty hard within hours of taking the seeds, and then for a day or two afterwards. It was on my 5th bust that I started to notice real improvement. BUT, that said, I have been chronic for nearly a year, so knew it was going to be hard to bust. Each person is different.

Hang in there.


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Again thanks to all im still a happy camper :) 24 hours since my last post tons of shaddows, but they are so mild I dont care. The  shaddows are so wierd, like the mild pain at the bridge of my nose (sharp but very mild) and very light dull pain in the right temple. Then I realized the nose is where my clusters use to give me some pain back in the 70s. I would lay on the couch and massage that area then move to the right temple etc.

I am still on 240 a day a verapamil. I gotta plan a day to cut one and go with 120. I also have had no need to use my oxygen. I really am feeling great.


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