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hello all

anthony g

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I just wanted to share some. I have tried just about everything for my chronic shadows and breakthrough headaches for the last year. Was on verapamil stopped 3 weeks ago and my daily headaches actually felt a bit better felt like verap was almost doing more harm than good. Doc put me on lithium I am up to 450 mg a day not very high dose i know but honestly I dont want to proceed with it. i want to ween off of the lithium and i have rc seeds and shrooms and really want to go that route. I am a bit different when it comes to the "typical" chronic cluster as to I dont really get major cluster attacks for a long time just "stuck cluster shadows" almost daily. I get all the precursors of clusters  droopy eye, poker in the eye feeling, red eye, sore neck ect, some days more than  others. I am a bit scared to stop the lithium although in my heart of hearts i dont think its gonna work anyway. Would love some feedback and support from you great folks!

thank you


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Hi Anthony :)

I`m nt typical CH`er either, but again, what is typical CH? Typical CH behaviour is to keep playing tricks on us, we never know how it will behave really.

In the beginning i kept telling my doc all the symptoms i had, i feel my brain is moving, it feels kile a balloon or a worm crawls inside my head, i got hearing loss from time to time, it pops in my ear etc etc. He just looked at me. It`s not listed as CH symptoms. CH is so much mor than just extreme pain, droopy eye and runny nose.

When you think of every single one you know of that got this condition and seperate them into two groups. One group doing the traditional drugs and the other group doing alternative drugs. Do you find something that make a big difference between those two groups?

It seems to me that the people doing traditional medicine have their life occupied by CH. Everything is about CH. And most still suffer even if they use allot of medicine.

The other group seems to move on, picking up on old or new hobbies etc etc. In general a very positive group of people who won`t let this condition define who they are. And also does not accept sideeffects from medicines that may not work that well anyway. Or don`t want medicines on a daily basis. Or like me, none of the trad meds work.

If you could choose, meds everyday or one dose one time a month, maybe in a short period every 14 day?

My opinion. Go off all meds the way you have to taper down and go for it. Why not? Your saying yes to life, that is the biggest risk.

Painfreewishes from me


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We need a like button in here 

I couldn't agree more Ting!

tingeling said:

"When you think of every single one you know of that got this condition and seperate them into two groups. One group doing the traditional drugs and the other group doing alternative drugs. Do you find something that make a big difference between those two groups?"

It seems to me that the people doing traditional medicine have their life occupied by CH. Everything is about CH. And most still suffer even if they use allot of medicine."

"The other group seems to move on, picking up on old or new hobbies etc etc. In general a very positive group of people who won`t let this condition define who they are. And also does not accept sideeffects from medicines that may not work that well anyway. Or don`t want medicines on a daily basis. Or like me, none of the trad meds work."

I couldn't have put it any better!

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It seems to me that the people doing traditional medicine have their life occupied by CH. Everything is about CH. And most still suffer even if they use allot of medicine.

This is something that has definitely not been lost on me....Just yesterday when I was talking to my therapist he expressed amazement that I wasn't completely depressed all the time.  Even said, "you're one of the least depressed people I know--but you get hit everyday, you're on drugs constantly, you have this specter of beast hovering over you and threatening every aspect of a normal life...."

Most definitely, these psychedelics seem to get more to the root of the problem then traditional drugs, fixing our brain even just a little to put pressure on the beast to go the fug away...But I think the potent anti-depressant activity (which I think works by what we think of western medicine anti-depressant activity and a whole lot more) can really turn the tide from living in hell to living with CH, and making it OK.  At one point I thought I was almost disabled.  Now I can work, live my life, take care of all the things I need to (sometimes a bit slower than I want, but hey....)  In essence, I love my life instead of fighting my life.  Even lately, I've been getting hit pretty hard every day...but I shrug my shoulders, get done what I can, bust what I can, and remember to be thankful for the amazing light the universe sends me.  Now I think I'll go put on some Dead and hug a tree  :)


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