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John Hopkins says go muncha buncha mushrooms. Now.


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OK the title of this topic was a brazen exaggeration and distortion to garner attention, but...there is a recent Johns Hopkins study where they found "a single dose of psilocybin prompted an enduring but positive personality change in almost 60 percent of patients".

This is a side benefit of busting with mushrooms many of us have confirmed first hand and is actually something I'm starting to think may be worth taking into account when deciding which busting agent to use.

Weird how for me the psilocybin trip itself can be negative, with anxiety and junk, but the after effects on mood and outlook are all positive. Exorcising of demons??!! 

A link to an article on the Johns Hopkins psilocybin study:


Apologies if this study has been covered elsewhere here and I missed it.

[Edit] Oh. Just now got to this part towards the bottom of the artice:

"we know that, shockingly, all the time people who use mushrooms recreationally sometimes end up getting into accidents or engage in homicidal behavior or suicide."

Wha? Homicidal? I hadn't heard this before.....?

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Wha? Homicidal? I hadn't heard this before.....? 

mixed with lots of alcohol maybe... in the news recently, there was a Canadian citizen in the death row somewhere in USA who was asking for mercy for 2 murders he and another guy coldly perpetrated, high on acid and lots of booze 35 or so years ago. So maybe it'd be the same with psilo. I remember reading about LSD and it was said the only reported very nasty outcomes was when it was mixed with lots of alcohol or other drugs.

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...the actual issue - killing while drinking.  Million dollar bet says LOTS more people kill other people while on alcohol.  You can open the paper in any major city every day and read about them. 

Agreed about the alcohol factor Purp'n Jeff.

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Wha? Homicidal? I hadn't heard this before.....?

From everything I've read, it seems like psychedelics can make homicidal people more homicidal, but that's about it.

And alcohol versus just about anything always ends up on the more dangerous side.

I really loved when the UK's chairman of the Home Office's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs came out and said that Ecstasy was no more dangerous than riding horseback.


I also really love how you can take a lethal dose of water, but not psilocybin.

Fug it lets make everything illegal


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