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Its been a long long time

Red Dog

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I thought it was over! 6 years without a CH. I donated my o2 setup a few years back! Diagnosed at 20 with clusters by a great neuro who prescribed prednisone, verapamil and o2 to abort. Worked fine for my cycles which came every 18 months and lasted between 3-4 months. This went on for 15 years and then started using trex at work and the cycles lasted longer, more like 6 months. I found these 2 sites way back when and it was sad to see so many people suffering but it was nice to find others that knew what it's like to be afraid to fall asleep.

During my last cycle I tried to farm with the mycobags with limited success but had enough for 1 strong dose. It didn't stop the cycle but the beast didn't make his return for a long time. Thankful for the long pf time

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Red, if you don't have access to psilo, you can consider seeds, which work very well for most people: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974

Also . . . a lot of advances regarding O2 in the last few years.  If you're getting that set up again, you should at least consider (a) higher-flow regulator (25lpm or more); (B) O2ptimask (http://www.clusterheadaches.com/khxc/; © demand valve system (

Sorry you're back here.  Let's make it a short stay with a similarly long hiatus before your next visit.

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Thanks for the info CHfather. I will try the seeds out while waiting for the m to grow. O2 works well for me, I never tried over 15 before but the only ones I couldn't abort were brought on by a drink to see if the cycle was over. My problem is that it is not an option  for me to take the o2 on my job site. It stays in the car and I use trex while working. I can't imagine red Bull working but will give it a shot to detox off the trex.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The seeds finally arrived from TP.  It had been a long week with no meds, I guess that is one way to find out if the verapamil works. It does help, I have never had so many CH's before.I took 65 as per the directions. After an hour my head felt good with no tenderness but was a little nauseous. The next day though was absolutely brutal. Besides all the attacks there were shooting pains (that lasted only a second) almost every minute thoughout the day.Its like a nerve going haywire in my head. During previous cycles I had these on occasion but not to the extreme the day after the seeds. I am little scared to try them again.

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RedDog, really hoping that things settle down.  Most likely, you are experiencing post-dose hits, which take a lot of forms, although I admit that the form you're describing is not one I have heard about before.  Please do let us know how things are going.  If you're feeling up to it, could you describe how you prepared the 65 seeds.  I know you say "as per the directions," but there are so many "directions" out there.  Mainly, hoping you are feeling better.

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Slap backs are common the day or two after dosing. Read: More intense, different times and just different. Then, they leave and relief is felt.

Those shooting pains are usually called ice pick headaches. No 'ache' to it though. Just like a stabbing ice pick for a very short duration. But, very repetitious.

Stay confident! If you get relief for 3-5 days and then start back again, dose again. Try to wait 5 days between, but push it back to 4 or 3 if you have to. As the pain stays gone longer, increase the days between dosing.

Shaking up the beast is a good sign the medicine is working. 

All the best,


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I float tested the seeds, tossed the floaters, dried the good ones in paper towel, tossed them in the coffee grinder and then soaked in about 6 oz of water with a little lime juice. The glass was placed in the fridge for 2 hrs then I drank it sludge and all.

The next day was so rough I knew that I couldn't try it midweek and go to work so I tried again Saturday. Sunday was bad. Had a CH from 9 till 1 with varying degrees of intensity. The o2 gave some relief but wouldn't kill it. Only a few of the "ice picks". Now today was the same, about 4 ho long a couple of tanks and monsters and it just hung around. This is unusual because the o2 always works. If I had imitrex I would have used it for sure.

Would lowering the dose to 45 decrease the slap backs or if I try again with the same amount will they decrease in severity?

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If they're slapbacks, they should start decreasing with the third dose, probably regardless of size.  I don't think anyone knows whether a lower dose would result in less severe slapbacks--but maybe someone does.  My own opinion is that 45 tested seeds should be a large enough dose for someone like you, with episodic CH.   

Just grabbing at straws here. . . . There's been some "heated" discussion here about the coffee grinder. There was a time when it was considered a bad idea, even a non-no, because of the heat it generates, since heat harms LSA.  Other methods for grinding seemed to be preferred, like a mortar and pestle or a hand-operated spice mill.  Some successful busters have said they use a coffee grinder, and you can't really argue with their success.  Their position was that all you need is a couple of quick pulses, and that doesn't create much heat.  You can make your own decision with that info in mind.

Gosh, I so hope it gets better for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a rough time since my second bust and had to use triptans several times at work but I was able to go 3 days without them. So I busted with 45 seeds and had my first night of uninterrupted sleep in weeks. Ahh it felt good. Slap backs were easier to tolerate and the frequency of attacks has lessened. Hoping to make it through a few days at work without the triptans so I can bust again.

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Red Dog

Tried the seeds 45 from TP had 3 floaters, used 42, just like you without the lime juice, but grinded it in a spice grinder, 10 days ago. Had heavy slap backs that night and the next day, but a pain-free next day!! I had only two of that "spikes" After that the rest of the week was like normal pain!

As you, I can also only try it on weekends cause of the slap backs and working!

Took the second dose last Friday, had 4 floaters, upped it to 43, bad slap backs again, drank some strong coffee at 11:30pm, was wide awake the rest of the night without pain!!

Had some obligations the next day, that I knew had bad triggers for me, had two more bad days!! And then Monday and today until 3:30pm, no pain, no shadow!! This time no spikes! But I know it is back to old way again! But it seems the pain free time is increasing! Hope-fully after the third time this coming Friday it will be even longer!! Luckily melatonin helps me through the nights and coffee and heavy concentration  through the day!!

My first growing M-vit showed it's head today!!  Will try it when I have enough!!

Good luck to you with the seeds and I hope you have a farm going!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Whole lotta successful [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif] BUSTING [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif] going on around here lately!  [smiley=thumbup.gif] [smiley=thumbup.gif]

Must be that Mayan calendar / dawn of a new era thingy.  ;D

Or that we have moved into the Age of Aquarius??   ;) 8-)

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