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No appetite due to severe CH attacks


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I have taken to the forums for my father who is recently separated and has never been a healthy diet kind of guy so I was already concerned about the nutrition he is getting, he can stand to eat ritz crackers or graham crackers while experiencing an episode but that's about all he has found so far that he can stomach... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Maybe he should eat some MUSHROOMS :D.

But seriously Bryce, what we really wanna see is him not having an episode at all, which is possible, and which is something plenty of CH'ers here have accomplished.

Some others here may have good ideas on what your dad could munch on, but in the meantime here's some good interesting busting starter info IMO (a Newsweek article on cluster busting and a video talk on the same subject by Bob Wold):



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Following up on what Jeebs said . . . lots of people have eating problems during their cluster periods (I think that's what you probably mean -- when he's in a CH cycle, as opposed to when he's experiencing a single attack or "episode").  It's a function of the stress and distress, along with other things.   So it would be good if he could be managing the pain better in some way.  Busting, which Jeebs pointed you to, is one very good way to end a cycle -- the best way, many of us would say.  But, does your dad have the basics -- oxygen plus maybe some other kind of abortive (Imitrex) or preventive (Verapamil, for example)?  Is he trying any of the other abortive/preventive strategies that help many people, such as the vitamin D3 regimen, or licorice root, or melatonin, or kudzu???

In the meantime, if his diet is really crummy, he should probably be taking some kind of serious supplement, like Ensure, to get the stuff he needs into his system.

If you -- or, even better, he -- will tell us more about how he's treating his CH, we might be able to deal with the pain and stress that are probably causing at least some of his in-cycle eating issues.  (Coming on here and talking to folks who understand what he's going through can be pretty good for stress in itself.)

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Hi Bryce,

I've had the same problem with bad stomach as your dady.

And I'll have them again. Sometimes the huge amount causes me to stop eating. Lost in November 15 kilos.

My weapon: Weet! I buy some Weet and somke it or make a tea (see google). Just a small amount is enough to get anybody hungry ;)

Buy some nice Sweets and give some weed probably best as tea. Your dady won't be  :D but hungry for Sweets after an half of hour or so.


(old indian medical herb)

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