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Patient in UK needs help

Tony Only

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Male CH sufferer in UK Birmingham contacted me and is looking for other patients in UK who could help him with busting. He is in a bad place right now and is having trouble registering here in the message board. I have his e-mail so if you are in United Kingdom and would be kind enough to help, PM me and I will give his e-mail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi people I wanted help with the magic mushroomms,and have learned five day breal from verpamil ,and triptains ,i been lowering my vertabe ahvent took any today if this keeps up for rour more days as long as i got the mushrooms i will be ok,finnaly i was told 1 mg to be took and this is what i shall do


sorry its takeing me so long to learn how to do theis messsage board im still finding difficultys but as time goes by it will become easy,i wont give in,hey  i came this far liveing with ch 34 years so im not genna quite now

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Hey Paul glad you finally got here pal was nice to talk with you and I know it's difficult to access internet now you are here the guys and girls can give you the info you need Hang in there brother you are doing realy good and this can change your life. Can I just ask everyone to help Paul his circumstances are very difficult thanks guys

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Hi Paul,

1g sounds like a reasonable first dosage level to me, especially if this is your first mm experience.

For those already familiar and comfy with mm, or in a particularly "desperate times call for desperate measures" situation, 1.5 to 2g is a common dosage level, one that l should note could induce some moderate to fairly strong tripping.

From what other CH'ers have reported, it appears to me verapamil may hamper but not necessarily block mm effectiveness. Some have successfully busted while still on verapamil, enough that they could then go completely off the verapamil and finish knocking their cycle out with follow up bust(s).

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Paul, hang in there.  You are a very courageous person, and we all believe that this will help you.  We are pulling for you. Since you have been in touch with Tony and others, I will assume that you have received advice about other things you can do to help you quit the triptans -- oxygen, energy drinks, and vitamin D3, to name a few.  If you want to know more about those things (or anything else), just ask.  We are here for you.

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Also Paul, I admire how you're taking care of your dog, certainly some good karma should be earned from that?

34 years you say.....that would mean your CH started in the year 1980. Well JOIN THE CLUB :D, that happens to be a common year of onset for many a headbanger I've met.

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