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Fall CH's here now


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well its been a quiet few months since July20th, but low and behold my son had one yesterday morning at 4:30am.  I think he pulled an all-video-game-nighter and hadn't quite gone to sleep yet.  put him back on the Mylanta last night ,, no CH last night or today so far.  but then he only gets 2 - 4 during this time period.  I know everyone here would love that pattern. 

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sorry since august .. that was old data .. this is what I tracked over the summer

Summer 2014

July 8th at 10pm had a beer and chicken tacos   (after fireworks smoke)

July9th 3am sleep for maybe  30 minutes

Some other minor ones stopped in shower .. I donÂ’t know the dates.

July 20th am  (after bonfire night before)

August 1st 4am (out of oxygen)

Aug 13 not sure if period has ended. . has had headache for a couple weeks .. went to big bear ,, drank beer stomach bad and “normal” headaches.

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well, there's not a lot of data here, so i have two very weak thoughts:

1. it seems odd that he ran out of O2 after just a few hits.  assuming that the tank was full and he's using it effectively, it seems that even a small tank should have lasted longer.  makes me wonder whether he's reliably reporting everything to you.

2. we've talked about MSG as a trigger for some people (CH and regular headaches), and possibly for your son (i think bacon, which sometimes has MSG, was on your watch list for a while).  so i'm suggesting, very weakly, that chicken tacos are often laced with MSG, as are the things that kids often eat while doing all-night stuff, such as flavored chips (tortilla chips, potato chips, etc.).  just a very weak caution. the beer is a more likely culprit, i suppose, but i figure maybe he might drink beer pretty often but maybe only occasionally accompany it with MSG-laden items.

(i got really bad pancreatitis from MSG.  took me years of intermittent agony to figure out that that was what was doing it to me.  so i see that as a possible culprit more vividly than other people would.)

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Smoke, black top, paint, perfume,gas are triggers for some, as is alcohol.

Didgens, can you get him to lay off the beer? It seems to play into the picture. PF for 2-4 weeks before drinking is a nice conservative approach.

Then again, a hit with the first few sips of beer can be a signal that a cycle is starting.  >:(

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hey CHF,,  the thank wasn't full,  a tank can last him through 3 - 4 CH's so that tank was just out of juice and he didn't know how to change it over and by the time he would have gotten it changed it would have been gone by then.. we had to order more,,  he has had 3 now all around 4 - 4:30 in the morning  Oct 14th, Oct 17th, Oct 20th. 

b.g. thank you for confirming my suspicions that other particulates in the air can be a trigger.. I often think of some of the folks that burn fall leaves in the yard and their neighbors breathing that stuff in.  Maybe factories around spewing things into the air. Or manufacturers that produce certain unseen particulates at other times of the year.  just a thought.

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I just really wonder about this ,, all im saying is that if a cluster can be triggered by inhaled nitro-glycerin,  and cluster headaches can be stopped by a "Q" tip up the nose administering a nerve block,, and it can be caused by "fumes" doesn't is seem like an irritant Is being inhaled, or stomach acid is creeping up into this cavity to trigger it.  some say alcohol can trigger one, and alcohol has strong fumes...  I dunno ,,

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My son told me last night that he felt for sure that he was going to get hit. He said he now recognizes how he feels (shadows maybe) when he is in the phase. He said that he knew at one point if he layed down that he would get one. So last night I was adamant that he take the Mylanta before attempting to lay down .. both after dinner and right before bed .. I havnt spoken to him yet today to confirm if he had one or not.. am trying to call ,, but hes still sleeping I think   

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Mine are back with a vengeance. Literally days after our clocks went back signalling the autumn/winter switchover.

Triggers this past week: beer. mothball smell from a blanket (solvents and nasty), a puff (or ten) from an e-cig (nicotine? Or is the glycerin in the fluid somehow being converted into nitroglycerine?). Stress. Oversleeping. Under-sleeping

Had full bore shadows these past two days. Plenty of caffeine, water, D3 and ginger plus a whopper of verapamil is keeping me ticking over. No doubt get woken up an hour after getting to sleep tonight... Wish me luck.  :o

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Melatonin?  Some folks find that a strong dose at bedtime helps. Starting 6-10 mg. and working up. 

(Did you see my reply in another thread to your question about energy shots? It got kind of submerged by other posts pretty quickly.)

More importantly, did you notice in the D3 thing this instruction about separating the calcium from your verapamil:  >>>If you are presently taking verapamil as a cluster headache preventative or for a heart condition, studies have shown that after repetitive dosing with verapamil, its serum half-life can be in a range from 4.5 to 12 hours.  Other studies indicated calcium supplements interfere with calcium channel blockers like verapamil.  Calcium gluconate is also used to treat reactions to oral verapamil.

Accordingly, in order to minimize a possible interaction with calcium that may limit verapamil effectiveness, separate the verapamil and calcium doses by at least 8 to 12 hours.  Discus this regimen with your PCP, neurologist, or cardiologist in order to work out an optimum dosing schedule.<<<

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Hi CHFath. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately melatonin is not available over the counter in the UK. It's a 'scrip only drug. Ridiculous really... But there you go.

I will have a search for the energy shot drink post in a min. I haven't been hit for a couple of days... But the shadows are there.

Does the interaction only matter when you have vit D w/ calcium supplements? I have pure vit. D. Doesn't seem to have any calcium in it.


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