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Hello to all of you!


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I have found a place where I am not alone. I am encouraged and moved by many of the posts.

I suffer from migraines and chronic headaches. The migraines have been with me for the last twenty years, the chronic headaches for five years. Currently I am in a cycle and waiting for the arrival. At three oÂ’clock this afternoon I will be fully involved. The duration is six hours. The cycle is three days with a rest period of seven to ten days, if there are no migraines. I have had no migraines for the last three months. ThatÂ’s a good thing!

I gave up on drug therapy two years ago. Being a zombie was just too much for me. I have learned to cope with and manage the pain. However I am still searching for the answer.

Your suggestions and advice are very welcomed.

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I gave up on drug therapy two years ago. Being a zombie was just too much for me. I have learned to cope with and manage the pain. However I am still searching for the answer.

Your suggestions and advice are very welcomed. 


I know of several people personally that have had success busting migraine with psilocybin, not sure about the other alternatives.  But I would think that LSA and LSD would probably be efficacious also.

Your best defense against this disease is knowledge.  The more you know about what you are dealing with and how to deal with it, the better off you'll be.

Others will be along with good advice.  Many here deal with not only cluster headache, but also migraine. 

In the meantime, I suggest you click on the "Forum Jump" at the bottom right corner of this page.  Select "ClusterBuster Files" from the drop-down menu.  You'll find a wealth of information there.

All the best,


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What medicines are you taking right now? I hope that you're staying away from the triptans and steroids, they're a clusterheads worst enemy. Do you have an oxygen setup? If not, go to the menu tab in the left corner of the page. There's a tab there that will point you in the right direction.


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Hello MHH,

When Albert Hoffman stumbled upon LSD.

He was at the time, looking for a cure for Migraine.

Being the sceptic that I am. I think the drug Companies, & the government's realised it's potential, & began the war on drugs.

I have both conditions.

Cluster Headache, & Migraine.

Alt's stop the pain, & aura from both.

Hope this helps.


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Another has come and gone, I dislike the feeling the morning after. I am left drained and exhausted, but free of it's grip on my being, my soul...If ever I could have an out of body experience, that would be the time to have one.

I had read several times here on ClusterBusters others write not wishing this pain on any one. I actually know a couple of people I might (would!) enjoy seeing go through this. HaHa.

More research on my part needs to be done before I try some of the methods used here to combat the headaches. I am coming here with a very open mind. Nothing will be discounted, all will be explored at some level. The goal is to find relief.

Thanks to all.

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Are you using Oxygen to abort the headaches. Nearly 100% effective for accute pain releife but you need to read the link here and do it right. I'm in day 29 of mu forst CH and it was a miracle. Then I would really look at shrrms or RC seeds if you pefer something legal. All the info you need is here and not rushing you, but there is not need to be suffering when so many are getting relief fast and risk free. Good to hear you are off all meds. I stopped after just 10 days after reading here. Good wishes and PM me or others if you want details.

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