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Nausea and Clusters

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I have noticed that it was mostly the times when the CH was brought on by over-exertion during a cycle, like when I would go do MMA training or compete in jiu-jitsu matches

You've been on Fight club?


No, not yet. I am not a good fighter, yet for some reason I really want to get in the cage sometime. I'd better get going, because I am not getting any younger! :)

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I'm 31 (almost 32), but at my age Aerts was already an incredible fighter, whereas I am....what is the opposite of an incredible fighter?  ;D

I definitely prefer MMA over K-1, if that is what you are asking. In my opinion, NOTHING beats MMA. It is the greatest, and most pure sport of all time

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Aerts is cool :) I have thought he was finished more than once in a fight. But it seems like that`s where he starts.

I never get any credit for saying this.... But i have a tendency to like Badr Hari.....

Last time i trained this, was at a two days of workout in a nearby town a couple of month ago. There was top trainers from our country, they allowed me into the sessions. There was represented almost everything. I hadn`t tried grappling, Felled for it completely!!!

I like grappling, but can`t find someone my size to practice with. I`m tiny tiny....

And now i given it up, i`m afraid of getting my head banged more i think of it.....

But hey!! forget about the age!! 32 is nothing :) It just make you more stubborn!!

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I have had the same thing happen to me before. There have been a few cycles that I have had N/V, but 90% of them have been without any nausea. I have noticed that it was mostly the times when the CH was brought on by over-exertion during a cycle, like when I would go do MMA training or compete in jiu-jitsu matches 

Exercising to abort a CH actually has worked for me before a few times, but only for a lower level one. As for the nausea, I have felt a bit before here and there but  never actually vomited before. I dont even think I could vomit during a cluster. Just bending over would increase the pain.

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Sonnen or Silva, whose your pick? I'm picking Silva to mop the floor with Sonnen. Chael is a good wrestler, but I think Hendo was better and Silva had no problems with him or should I say, he probably is going to have less problems with Sonnen. Because Hendo did put up a good fight.

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I am praying for Chael to beat Silva's ass, just because I am so pissed about the last few Silva fights. Plus I am an Oregon boy, so I am biased towards Team Quest guys. Chael actually cornered one of my buddies in his first MMA fight about 10 years ago.

As much as I like Chael, Silva will most likely win this one like he always does. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Silva, but he needs to pay dearly for his past couple of performancess

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I'll agree with that. He definitely needs someone to kick his ass a little bit at the very least. I wouldn't mind if Chael won. At least it would breathe some new life into the middleweight division. I thought for the longest it was gonna be Nate Mardquart. Then I thought it would be Vitor Belfort. But Chael came out of no where and stepped up. I wish him luck.

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But one thing that always bugged me about Chael is when he fought Paulo Filho in WEC and he tapped when got caught in an arm bar and then tried to say he didnt. They replayed it over and over and you can clearly see he tapped. I don't know, I just think that's under handed. Kind of like when Ken Shamrock fought Royce Gracie. It's like, you know you tapped, don't be a little bitch about it. They got it on tape if you want to argue about it, not that you should, LIAR!

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But one thing that always bugged me about Chael is when he fought Paulo Filho in WEC and he tapped when got caught in an arm bar and then tried to say he didnt. They replayed it over and over and you can clearly see he tapped. I don't know, I just think that's under handed. Kind of like when Ken Shamrock fought Royce Gracie. It's like, you know you tapped, don't be a little bitch about it. They got it on tape if you want to argue about it, not that you should, LIAR!

I agree with that. It was cheap, but what do you expect? He is a politician!

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Sorry that this is off topic, but I moderate at another MMA site if anyone is looking for intelligent discussion


(not for people with thin skin ) 

Thanks Kyle, I was gonna register over there and put you as the referrer but don't know your name at that site?

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Sorry that this is off topic, but I moderate at another MMA site if anyone is looking for intelligent discussion


(not for people with thin skin ) 

Thanks Kyle, I was gonna register over there and put you as the referrer but don't know your name at that site?



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Registered over there now as TXMMAFAN. By the way and forgive but I have to ask this so as not to ruin my fun, but I don't suppose you work for the UFC in any way do you, or Strikeforce or any company that does pay per views fights? :-?

No, how come? We are just a bunch of MMA fans who don't like dealing with the idiots over at Sherdog. Most of us got banned from there years ago.  ;D As long as you have thick skin, you will be fine. I'll get you multimedia access if you want it when I get home tonight

BTW, you aren't in any way affiliated with Truth Fightwear are you? www.txmma.com ? I got all of my fight gear there

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No, no affiliation. Just happen to pick that name by chance. The reason I asked about the pay per view is because I have a website that I wanted to share with fellow you mma fans but I didn't want to get it shut down because they post pay per view fights the day after they happen, but, as I'm sure you are aware, UFC is really crackin' down on these sites and I didn't want to give it away because then I would lose my go to site for free fights if you worked for them, so you could understand my apprehension. http://www.mmatko.com/

All you have to do is the day after a pay per view happens, just type it into the search bar and it will bring up all the fights. Sometimes it might take until the end of the day but usually the fights you wanna see are up right away.

Enjoy my friend :)

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Hey there everyone.  I have hurled before after eating a chocolate cliff bar and then getting an attack 10 or 15 minutes later.  mmm, mmm, good, chocolatey barf.  If I eat something that doesn't agree with a cluster, I know I would hurl it.  Doesn't happen much, but some people talk about hurling often with their ch.

As for excercise...brings on attacks for me when I am in my cycle.  Others can kill their attack by vigorous excercise.  I think the jury is split here (or a 'split decision'??? mwa ha ha given the mma themed thread here :P).  sorry  :-/.


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Now, I am beginning to vomit with some of the headaches. 

Hello TX,

I have chucked up in the past. Only when the pain has become too much to bare. Kip 10's.

IMHO it's one way the brain deals with trauma.

Fortunately, since busting, I haven't had any Kip 10's.

Your nausea could be a sign of Migraine. You could have both conditions. CH, & Migraine.

Back on topic.


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Thanks for all of the suggestions. I think Stadol was the culprit after all. I stopped taking it after the constant vomiting and I haven't had any problems with vomiting since. The only reason I even took it in the first place is because it was the first time I took something that seemed to alleviate the pain, even for just a few minutes. Usually, the cluster would win in the end and I would go full blown kip 10 with but it was worth it to me just to have those few minutes that the stadol bought me of being pain free which we all know that any pain free time with these suckers is precious. But, not to throw up on top it. No, that was the deal breaker. So, back to cold towels and rocking. 

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I have chucked up in the past. Only when the pain has become too much to bare. Kip 10's.

IMHO it's one way the brain deals with trauma.

I have to agree, this last cycle I barfed, had no meds only a red bull, was a 10 and after barfing the pain left shortly after.  Some type of aborting thing.

TxCH, I am glad you got it fugured out.  I had a feeling that spray was the culprit.  I hate that your in pain.  There is a thread on the general board started by Jay about scalp and face sensitivity, anyways, Jeff posted something about TMJ exercises.  Go check it out, try it.  Hell, i'll try anything!

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I've never all of a sudden become nauseous in the middle of a cluster.  I do have many days when I am nauseous all day long. No vomiting.  It starts up after I've had a string a several days in a row of getting slammed relentlessly.  In my case, I believe it's from exhaustion, stress, and my stomach being tore up from excessive excederin/coffee/energy drinks.  My stomach just hurts and I have very little appetite. 

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