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Don't ever think you are 'cured'


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The vast majority of posts on this site are from new members who desperately need help, and that's great. The moderators jump in and provide the best advice and guidance you will find anywhere. I was lucky enough to find it in 2014 after my neurologist threw up his hands and said 'I don't know what else to do'. (I was on my fourth neuro at this point) after over 10 years as an episodal CH I had become chronic and verapamil just stopped working. I was having 5 attacks a day and the only tool I had was sumatriptan, insurance only covered eight boxes a month and I had to buy the rest. This went on for over three weeks until I found the site, learned about oxygen, and read every thing on here about busting. I tried seeds and that did not work for me. By pure luck I was able to procure some schrooms, and broke the cycle on the first dose. I had two doses left so I felt comfortable. I went about 9 months before the attacks returned, took another dose and busted again.....problem solved.


I don't think I ever thought I was cured, but going 9 months pain free had never happened before. As I look at the situation I am in now, I just plain got lazy or complacent or what ever you want to call it. My attacks returned full force two weeks ago and I had one dose of schrooms left. When I took them out of the bag I had them in I discovered the vacuum package they were in had been cut. I took them that night and nothing happened. My guess is that they just lost their potency from not being sealed and being over a year and a half old.....panic was now setting in. I have two 125 cu. ft. tanks of welding oxygen and I know how to use it, but I had no busting supplies. I have tried to procure some more schrooms with no luck at all. I ordered some truffles from the Netherlands that should be here in a week if they make it through the system but there is no guarantee. I just finished my second week of full force attacks at the rate of 5 a day, all coming at the appointed time. I don't even know if truffles will work for me but I have to do something.


My point of the post is this......I have never read anything about a long time clusterhead being 'cured'. We are going to have this damn disease for the rest of our lives and it requires constant management and preparation. Always have a 'plan B' whether you are using meds from the Dr. or busting with something legal or not. Nobody owes us anything, nor should we expect it. It is our problem and we need to deal with it in what ever way works for us.....or suffer the consequences like I am now.


This situation has also reminded me that nothing is 'free'. The great people that put this site together and moderate it have helped so many with so little deserve our financial support. (I got lazy in that department too) after going 9 months pain free I failed to check the board to see if I could help somebody and also failed to donate what I could......it will not happen again.



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We have missed you Sierra! When we get PF we all want to just  put it behind us I think. We finally feel like normal people and we like it!! No need to apologize for that.


I am sorry to read about your current situation. Fingers crossed that relief is on the way. I know that you are aware of all the tricks used such as caffeine and the D3 Regimen, so I won't go into that. I look forward to reading that you are back on the PF train soon.



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Don't be too hard on yourself.  Everyone deserves to enjoy some pain free time away. ;)  I seem to be doing it too often as of late.  I really need to be here, helping more than I have the last few months.  


Your post is a very good reminder that we should always be prepared with a plan B.  Keep enough busting supplies on hand, and an alternative.  Just in case the first substance looses it's potency.  I've been caught like that twice now.  Hope not again though. 




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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for posting. You just confirmed what I was debating in my mind. I am out od MM and I will definitely be getting more. FYI. I found a way to store MM for months at a time. I grind them up in single doses in a coffee grinder. I put the powder into the capsules that use to have my Diltiazem in. After i have filled them I vaccum seal them in a single dose, just to be safe i double bag them. Mine stayed good for since November 20 2015. I hope this helps and thanks again for the post.

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