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My Cluster Headaches are finally gone for good.

Cluster Headache  Gone

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   My Name is Michael,

    I would like to a acknowledge everyone who is suffering with the beast, I pray that my Son or anyone else out there will not go through the HELL I went through.  I'll tell you my story, it's going to be about a pity party like no other.  However, at the end I did find my cure and I hope you find yours.  I was 22 when I was hit with headaches that didn't want to leave.  Thank God, I had great insurance.   I saw several ENT's - Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists, a Couple of Neurosurgeons, a couple of Chiropractors, an acupuncturist, some gentleman who put a hot iron on my head...  believe me when you have this pain, displaced pain helped me to get through it.   Long story short, I was finally diagnosed with what is referred to as Cluster Headaches, for which I was told that there was no cure.  By this time, I had knocked my self- out, used a towel with a hot iron on my forehead several times, using a towel not to burn the skin to much.  These headaches have a Nick name, as you may know, they're called Suicide Headaches.  I can believe why, one day I went to the beach just to try to burn out my left eye with the Sun... I told you this was about a pity party.  I can go on and on about this pain, but I'm sure you have your own stories.   I recently watched Kung Fu Hustle, I strongly recommended it.  What I got out of it, is sometimes we're put in an extremely bad situations to learn lifes' lesson, my opinion of course.  I danced with the Devil for close to 8 years.  My redemption came with a young lady named Ani, she knew of my headaches and had me listen to a meditation tape.  OK,  please stay with me.  When your in God awful pain you'll try anything.  I listened to this tape and to put it simply, it opened another door for me.   I knew no one on the outside was going to help me, I tried everything I came across, so I figured I'll cure myself.    Please keep an open mind, it worked for me, everyone's built different and I'm just sharing my experience.  My cure was heaven sent for sure.  Although, I cursed a lot, I kept the faith, sometimes it was less then a grain of rice, but it was there.   How I cured my self was with mostly God's help.  I started meditating every hour I could, and what I mean by meditation may be different from others definition on meditation.   For me, I would spend almost every moment of everyday concentrating on my hand and fingers, after a while I could feel the blood flow being pushed into my hands and fingers.  I actually got a security job so I definitely had time to do so.  After a while, I realized I could control my blood flow to each of my fingers at will, this took some time, but believe me, it was like winning the lottery 1000 fold.   I woke up one morning with one of the worst migraines of my long line of episodes.  I was done, I told God I was done.  Then something phenomenal / remarkable happened.  I had my hand near my head and I felt what can only be explained or felt  like a small  electric current.  I thought to myself, could this be it.  I pushed and pulled the blood through the left front side of my head where the majority of my pain was centered.   Let me explain what I mean by pushing and pulling in detail.  Once I had taught myself to control my blood flow, by focusing on one finger at a time.  I felt by controlling my breathing ( Breathing in slowly from my diaphragm - pulling slowly) and breathing out slowly while focusing - pushing slowly)  I could literally push and pull my blood circulation.  I know it sounds crazy, but it worked for me. On my way to work that morning I felt what I can only explain as a vein vibrating or a small popping sensation down the left side of my nose.   The Beast had left the building. I am not a doctor, this isn't medical advise by a long shot, just sharing what worked for me.  I'm 54 now and still Cluster free.  THANK YOU GOD

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Hey Michael. When my medications stopped working I tried everything too. I'm 60 and found meditative music is working miracles. I listen to a 9-hour youtube vid by relaxdaily and play it 24/7. I'm not sure and don't care how this works. Im just really relieved to find something that makes me feel good again.  good luck 

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