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Is there something about Australia?


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I’m my time floating around CH.com and joining here, it seems like there are a lot of Australian CH sufferers in proportion to some other nationalities. Am I imagining that or does anyone have any theories as to why that may be? My wife whom was just diagnosed is half Australian on her mother’s side so it was a curious observation.

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It's called air conditioning.

Edited to Add:

I had an interesting exchange with Dr. Cicero Coimbra, MD, PhD, on his high dose vitamin D3 protocol for his MS patients.  The starting vitamin D3 dose is 1000 IU vitamin D3 per Kg body weight per day.  At 80 Kg, I would be taking 80,000 IU/day vitamin D3 if I was on his treatment protocol.

When I asked why so many people had MS in Sao Paulo, Brazil where the Latitude is -23.5º North, about the same distance South of the equator as Key West, FL is North of the equator, so they should be getting lots of cutaneous vitamin D3 from the sun, he replied "They all have the same problem."

When I asked what problem was that?  He replied, "Air conditioning."

Edited by Batch
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It's def. a good idea to change regions if you are chronic and at your wits end with CH. That is if you have the ability to change regions. My headaches changed as I moved around North America.

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Changing geographic regions to prevent CH is much too drastic...  It may work, but it's a lot easier and far less costly to take 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3 for an 80% probability of success in controlling your CH.  If you take the Bio-Tech D3-50 50,000 IU water soluble "micelized" vitamin D3 at 21 cents/capsule and take one (1) every 5 days for an average dose of 10,000 IU/day, the average daily cost of your vitamin D3 is 4 cents/day or ~ $15/year .  Some CHers get by with one of these Bio-Tech D3-50 capsules a week, an average vitamin D3 dose of 7,000 IU/day for 3 cents/day or $11/year.  The rest of the anti-inflammatory regimen cofactors and conutrients run around 45 cents/day.  The entire clutch comes in around 50 cents a day or $183/year...  About the cost of taking your wife out for a movie, dinner and drinks.  This regimen makes good sense or good cents no matter how you look at it.

And then there are all the wonderful health benefits with no adverse side effects...  That's a no brainer...

Take care,

V/R, Batch

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Just FWIW, Headache Australia says prevalence of CH there is about the same as US -- 1/1,000. Not sure whether that's based on any studies or just a projection a worldwide standard.  https://headacheaustralia.org.au/headachetypes/cluster-headache/ 

There have been some studies of specific populations to assess the prevalence of CH.  In one town in Norway, the prevalence was almost four times as high as in the US.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5909131/

>>Fischera et al. reviewed 16 population-based studies published up to August 2007, specifically looking at cluster headache prevalence in a meta-analysis and found that the 1-year prevalence varied greatly between the studies and ranged from 3 to 150/100,000. Their pooled lifetime prevalence was 0.12%.[6] The study with the highest prevalence found in this meta-analysis was the Vågå study in Norway where the principal investigator Sjaastad personally interviewed and examined 1828 inhabitants of Vågå. The study identified seven subjects with cluster headache, corresponding to a prevalence of 381 per 100,000 (95% confidence intervals: 153–783).[7] Since August 2007, there have been two further population-based studies, one from the Republic of Georgia with a prevalence of 87 per 100,000[8] and in rural Ethiopia with a prevalence of 1.3%.[9]<<

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