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3am starting to cool down a crusher


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Ain't life just peachy some days...

My thoughts:

friggin ouch

not again


maybe if I get up

noooooooo crap


o2 o2 o2

where's imitrex...





got it

arm fast

downstairs 02

ok ok ok

aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr crap


mmmmmm [tap tap tap tap...left foot]

shoooo, ok, ok


aaaaaaammmmmmm, not better

[tap tap tap...]

ok, better better better

pffffffffff breath out

deep breaths

calm calm

pretty wired...

check cb.

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lolol i think that pretty much sums it up lolol

except i have no abortives :-( so mine ussualy goes with ouch ouch ouch arghhh go bathroom crouch on floor smack head on floor cry abit then ouch some more and maybe about 1 hour i'll sit back down breathing a bit better lol

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A high level hit will bring out the potty mouth in me.  It's crazy, but I've caught myself taking off my 02 mask just to say a few choice words.

LOL!  ;D

Gallows humor like this can be stress relieving and therapeutic IMO - I felt a little stress jump right offa me just from reading through this topic.  :)

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I get so childish sometimes it`s embarrassing... Was waiting for a alarm company to come and install my alarm also connected to fire station. they called me the day before, told me they would come 8 in the morning. Waited all day, pacing back and forth, really needed to leave the house to try kill the attacks with movement and air etc. So when they finally arrived in the end of the day i opened the door and heard my self say "I been waiting all day for you to come, people have things to do. So now you`re too late, you have to come another day." And slammed the door!!

Inside i stood by the door thinking "what happened right now? How embarrassing..." Yhis will affect only myself, i don`t get the alarm, and i have to be inside wait for them another day instead.

Stupid things like that. Luckily i can blame CH ;)

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