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oxygen question


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I recently got set up with o2. It aborts my headaches really fast and really well. But, my CH always come back about 10 to 15 minutes later. It's like o2 is simply masking the pain. I still have the entire headache, o2 just takes the pain away for as long as I'm on it.

My headaches "reoccur" or "reappear" after I stop the o2.

Is this normal? What can I do so that O2 ABORTS my CH?

I tried staying on )2 for like 15 minutes even after my CH was gone, but my CH still came back 10 minutes after turning off O2.

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That is probably my issue. Not catching it at onset. I don't need an alarm because my CH usually wake me. But, by the time CH's wake me, I'm already up to a 6 or 7. I can sleep on 2's and 3's. Sometimes 4's if I'm entirely sleep deprived. But 5's and up wake me.

I'll try to get them at onset. I was just seeing if there was something I'm doing wrong. Guess not.


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You have to get on the oxygen right away for best results. Waking up with one puts you behind the eight ball. I use 15lpm and find better results when i take long deep breaths. Oxygen in...bullshit out...

Breathe deep and empty your lungs (C02) completely...I mean completely! I don't hyperventilate unless the long slow deep method isn't getting it done. Sometimes a combo works best.

Keep trying.

I still get saved by oxygen even when I wake up with a banger...it just takes longer, but is still a life saver for me.


I dig Felix Takinit ;) radio.

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I still get saved by oxygen even when I wake up with a banger...it just takes longer, but is still a life saver for me.

Tell me about it! It hasn't aborted CH for me yet, but it turns my hour long CH into only 15 or 20 minutes of actual pain. That makes me smile every time still :).

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@ Dan. lol. good thing you're married then. An O2 wedding would be something.  :)

Today I didn't have a CH while waking, but after waking.

The O2 worked wonders. Gone in 3 minutes at 25lpm. and.........IT STAYED GONE. yay I guess for me it's getting to the O2 before the headaches in full swing.

Thanks for the help


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