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rc seed mixture


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ground up some seeds this morning, at around 11 am.  put them in about 2-3 oz. of water, then in the fridge.  was planning to drink the mixture at around 2 pm... but something came up and i couldnt drink it.  how long can i let those seeds soak?  is it ok to take after 24 hours of soaking?

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KyMoon here.  Just got the RC seeds for my girlfriend who has been experiencing chs since christmas.  Im not sure how they work yet but would like more input on how the effects of it work and when is the best time to use it.  Thanks yall and lets battle this beast so we can get back to some normalcy

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If you and your GF think she's getting CHs, you need to see that she gets to a Headache Specialist pronto. Not just a Neurologist or a Pain Specialist and certainly not her GP. They get very little training and most have never seen a CH patient. Very important. There are many, serious problems that could be causing her HAs. Good luck. Ron

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If you and your GF think she's getting CHs, you need to see that she gets to a Headache Specialist pronto. Not just a Neurologist or a Pain Specialist and certainly not her GP. They get very little training and most have never seen a CH patient. Very important. There are many, serious problems that could be causing her HAs. Good luck. Ron

She's had them since THIS Christmas?  Has she been to a doctor?  DITTO Ron.  She needs to get to a headache specialist pronto.  Please, do not self-diagnose these headaches.  She must rule out anything that might be much more serious to her life than CH.


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