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I don't know if any others have noticed but when i am starting to shadow and me and my girl make love almost every time we do, it breaks my shadow or ends my attack all together.

   Not sure if its because sex causes increased blood flow and more O2 to the brain.

   But most times it can be a life saver for me, and even a good excuse to get your girl to love on you, lol jk jk jk

    I have not given out any personal remedies yet here on CBs that work for me,i said why not start now.

Hope This Helps Some People

One Love

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LOL...we had read a week or so ago that sex could help, so we have experiemented, it was hit and miss,  but we had fun testing the theory  ;)

(hubby has been PF 3 nights now so we are confident his cycle has ended. Could be 2 years before he gets any again.... I meant headaches.... ;D )

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Hmmm.. Single people should get a sex prescribtion from their dr. if CH, to break shadows. Like, there should be a house where you go to get laid.. Hmm.. this sounds familiar..?

From joke to revolver:

Agree with palm. Sex is a pain in the head when having headache. Serious trigger/amplifier.

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