Our Clusterbuster conference is only a couple weeks away!!
For those of you that aren't going but would like to say hello to the group, you have a chance.
Some of you have already sent us your videos but would like more and let more people participate.
We're looking for a short (under a minute is fine) hello. Content is up to you but we're looking for you to say hello, your name, where you're from (Country, state, city ??) if you have clusters or are a supporter, and just a little hello message. Maybe your whole family wants to say HI. If you just want to use your screen name, that's fine. Maybe both names ;-)
Your standard "vine" video is fine or a little longer is great. You can be funny or serious, before or after you've had your coffee.
We'd love to show the international group that we are, and see how many countries can be represented. Say hello in Hungarian if you'd like. Especially if you are from Hungary
We'll be showing the videos during breaks and lunch and possibly at the President's Reception.
Everyone that sends one in can get a Clusterbusters wrist band and we will draw some names to get a conference tee-shirt.
Send them in to us at: conference@clusterbusters.org
Include your mailing address if you want a wrist band/shirt.
Try to keep them "cluster" family friendly. Please don't post them here before the conference. Let's keep them a surprise to those attending. We may make the entire loop of them available on our You Tube channel after the conference (unless you want yours out of the loop)
If you don't know how to shoot and send a video, find a teenager with a phone, have them take a short video and have them email it to you. Then forward it to us
We'd love to see you at the conference!!!