Thanks very much for the kind words. They mean a lot to me.
I just posted this at another thread, but it seems pertinent here: My daughter has CH (I don't). Six years ago, people here helped us learn how she could manage it, after she had been misdiagnosed and mistreated for years by some "highly trained" neurologists. That's why I'm here -- out of gratitude; to keep learning as much as I can; and to try to help keep anyone I can from going through what she went through.
The heroes of this board and the CH community are too numerous to mention. In my view, everyone who fights CH is a hero. Back when I came to this board, before Facebook, this was a livelier place. There were at least 20 people here, whose screen names I could still list off the top of my head, who helped me and my daughter within a matter of just a few days. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of how much I owe, and we all owe, to them. In many ways, I'm just a conduit for what they taught me.
I've been really happy lately to see some newer folks taking up the campaign here, providing great help, advice, and support. Dallas Denny, spiny, and I, among others, are getting up there in years, and so until there's a cure or at least a 100% effective treatment, there's going to be work to be done and eventually it will be done you all. Keep it up, folks, please keep it up.