jon019 wrote: >> Re energy drinks: Red Bull actually has a relatively low level of caffeine and taurine than other brands and is ridiculously expensive (yur paying for adverts). Try Monster or Wired or any other brand with at least 100 mg caffeine and at least 1000 mg taurine. Grocery outlet stores carry 16 oz (good for 2 hits) for a buck a can. <<<
I feel like I should have some pre-written text about energy shots vs energy drinks, because I don't have the "energy" to give a full statement about them each time I mention them. Those little 2-ounce shots, such as 5-Hour Energy, actually have more caffeine and taurine (total, not per ounce) than the most of the bigger energy drinks. Regular Strength 5-Hour has 200 mg of caffeine; Extra Strength has 230. By comparison, there are many sizes and types of Monster drinks, but even the 16-ounce ones have no more than 160 total mg of caffeine. So in my view the 5-Hour Energy, which can be chugged very fast, is considerably more likely to be helpful. An 8-ounce Red Bull has 80mg, so an Extra Strength 5-Hour is the same as three of those. I'm not advocating for 5-Hour in particular, just saying that many people are surprised by the relative caffeine levels of shots vs. drinks.
jon' -- I copied and pasted your text up above, and it came out with that big line spacing you were mentioning. When I hit "delete" at the end of each line, it came out as it is above. So seems that somehow your system is adding carriage returns at the ends of lines.